Athanasius, early
bishop of Alexandria ,
opposed the teaching of Arius who declared that Christ was not the eternal Son
of God but a subordinate being. Hounded
through five exiles for his faith in the full deity of Jesus Christ,
Athanasius was finally summoned before Emperor Theodosius, who demanded he stop
opposing the teaching of Arius.
Athanasius firmly
refused, so the emperor bitterly reproved him and sternly asked, “Do you not realize that all the world is
against you?” Athanasius quickly answered, “Then I am against all the world!”
What a commitment
to the Lord Jesus! Anthansius was not afraid of telling and defending the truth
even the whole world (as if) was against him. You see, there are lots of
difference between those who just interested of being Christians and those who
really committed Christians. For example, when you’re just interested, you
profess to be Christian only when circumstances are right and good. But when
you’re truly committed to the faith, you will stand firm, defending the truth
as you see clearly in the Scripture, your passion for God’s honor and glory
consume you and even when people around you may backsliding and you’re left
alone, those who are committed will say, “I
will not move. I’m committed to the Lord even the world is against me!”
Are you just interest to be a
Or are you truly committed

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