A lady dressed in silks and
satins was standing on the curb of a Paris
street when to her horror a ring with a very valuable jewel dropped from her
finger into the filth of the gutter. She stooped instantly. With the bent
handle of her elegant umbrella she searched the gutter for it but could not
find it. Then, as the astonished crowd looked on, she slipped the glove from
her dainty white hand and with her delicate fingers searched through the water
and mud until she found the lost jewel.
Are we prepared to search through the
mud and get our hands dirty for the Kingdom
of God ? Do we see
alcoholics, drug addicts, and prostitutes through the eyes of love and faith as
potential “trophies of grace”? If
the love of God dwells within our hearts, we will strip off formalism and begin
to search the gutters of society for the lost gems of humanity as God searched
for us (see Malachi 3:17). If the fields are white unto harvest, we need to get
out of the barns and into those fields.
God has given us the key
(God’s Word) to bring conviction to the heart of the sinner, and once he is
convicted we can, with the help of God, convert him. Many of us have the
philosophy of “Go ye into the world and
get a sinner to come to church so that the pastor can preach the gospel to him.”
The church should be a pulsating, dynamic, explosive, mighty army of dedicated
soldiers who have gathered to feed the troops and check it weaponry. Once fed,
we must go out into the dying world, preach and live the Word – be salt and
light. Jesus mixed with prostitutes and
tax collectors, and yet He remained untainted by their sins.
I once saw a well-known
pastor sitting right in the middle of the crowd of hardened sinners. On
inquiry, he told me that he was almost “drying
up” because of his constant fellowship with Christians and only Christians.
He had come out to remind himself of the world, to hear rough talk, to mix with
sinners before he matured into stagnation.
[From Ray Comfort’s Hell’s Best Kept Secret (New Kensington:
Whitaker House, 1989) Pg. 168-169]

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