“I am telling you the truth. Before Abraham was born, ‘I Am’”
(Jesus says about himself, John 8:58, TEV)
It all begins
in the time of Moses, Israel’s great national hero. When God called on him to
lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, Moses was reluctant to accept – in
fact, he played hard-to-get or in my local language: ‘Jual mahal!’ (Read about it in Exodus
3). He offered all sorts of excuses for not going. One of the more
reasonable was that he couldn’t explain who had sent him. Moses said to God, “When I go to the
Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your ancestors sent me to you,’ they
will ask me, ‘What is his name?’ So what can I tell them?” (Exodus 3:13,
TEV). God replied (and it’s a little difficult
to make it sound sense in English): “I am who I am. You must tell
them: ‘The one who is called I Am has
sent me to you’” (3:14).
Clearly, in the
New Testament John 8, Jesus’ use of the phrase “I Am”
would remind His hearers of that incident and of that special name for God. More
than that, the fact that Jesus said, “Before Abraham was born, ‘I Am’”, and not “I was”, would suggest something else:
that He was claiming to be what only God really is – eternal. Only God can legitimately claim “I Am”
at any time, past, present, or future; but there is Jesus saying that He is
also eternal, that His birth in Bethlehem was not His beginning, that He had
always been in existence, even before Abraham.
This was highly
provocative. Jesus must have realized that His words would imply these things
and would arouse the anger of His critics (as He always does). By applying the
name “I Am” to Himself, Jesus was
talking for Himself something that was properly God’s alone – Jesus
was claiming to be equal with God. Morgan G. Campbell writes, “These are the words of the most impudent
blasphemer that ever spoke, or the words of God incarnate.” His critics
took it as blasphemy, and in their Law, the punishment for that was death by
stoning. So angry were they by now, that they dispensed with arrest, trial and
sentence. So clearly understood Jesus’ statement that they grabbed the nearest
stones and trying to kill Him there and then. Even today, the real Jesus is so
hated by the enemies because He, in God’s Word, says, “I Am.”
Is Jesus really the “I Am”?
Do you know Jesus of the Bible?

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