“Modern man has been pressed so hard towards useful work and rational calculation he has all but forgotten the joy of ecstatic celebration…” (Harvey Cox)
“The Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot!” (Augustine of Hippo)
[In search for materials and quotes for me to write today Weekly Motivation article, knowing that some of my readers are from multiple religion background, I couldn’t help but to express the subject of ‘Celebration’ in a Christian context. For celebration is the sheer evidence of Christ.]
God celebrates. After all, he invented delight, joy and celebration. J.P. Jacks once said, “Christianity is the most encouraging, the most joyous… while it has its sorrows and stern disciplines, the end of it is a resurrection, not burial – a festival, not a funeral.” Celebration can enlarge our capacity to enjoy and serve God. Celebration brings joy into life, and joy makes us strong. “And joy”, as Hannah Whitall Smith wrote in The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, “comes through obedience to Christ and joy results from obedience to Christ. Without obedience joy is hallow and artificial”. Joy is the gigantic secret of the Christian!
God celebrates. He even instructs his people in the Old Testament to gather together three times a year to celebrate the goodness of God. When the people had completed the task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah stood up and said, “Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gift of food with people who have nothing to prepare.” (Nehemiah 8:10NLT) The New Testament also filled with events of celebrations; the choir of angels sings praises to God on the day Jesus was born, Jesus and His disciples went to wedding party (John 2), and even Paul and Silas celebrates God’s goodness in prison! (Acts 16)
God celebrates. I’m sick of a long face, gloomy, unhappy, and joyless Christians! (I’m sick of it!) if anything that a Christian should be is to be as happy as possible. Richard Foster observed, “If we think we will have joy only by praying and singing psalms, we will be disillusioned. But if we fill our lives with simple good things and constantly thank God for them, we will be joyful, that is, full of joy.” Hey people, go and celebrate! Celebration saves us from taking ourselves too seriously. Celebration is an effective antidote for sadness and oppressed heart. Joy begets joy, laughter begets laughter and celebration begets more celebration!
Here are 5 practical practices of the Discipline of Celebration suggested by Richard Foster in his all-time classic book Celebration of Discipline (explanations mine):
1. Celebration through singing, dancing, shouting.
We are free to express our gratefulness and joy in the goodness of God with everything we have. Sing at the top of your lung, dance till the floor get dirt and shout like a care-free child. There’s a time for everything – to mourn and to celebrate. And when it comes to celebrate why not celebrate wholeheartedly!
2. Laughing
My friend Donna warned me once, “I can laugh very loud ya know” during our dinner together. I replied, “That’s great”. For what is the best way to celebrate if it not with laughter!
3. Accent the creative gifts of fantasy and imagination
Creative fantasy and imagination can bring a great joy as we observe and enjoy on it. It could be in the forms of video games, paintings, playing music, plays etc. Let’s play, sing, laugh and have some fun together!
4. Make family events into times of celebration and thanksgiving.
This is important. Family is the best place for us to practice the discipline of celebration. It is on the top of my lists to at least bring my family out for dinner together once per month to celebrate my monthly salary – to celebrate God’s provision.
5. Take advantage of the festivals of our culture and really celebrate.
This is rather easy to explain. Our calendar is full with celebrations. And the good news is you don’t have to spend too much money and energy to celebrate one, all you have to have is a passionate pleasure in God and joyful heart to love one another.
God celebrates. Life is short, full of difficulties and challenges. When there are opportunities to celebrate – celebrate. When it’s time to celebrate – celebrate. Hear ye Christians, celebrate for what the Lord have done. Celebrate in the spirit of worship, praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Celebrate for it is the sign that we are really living in God’s wonderful love, and that love satisfies us. Come, let’s us celebrate!