“Success is living in such a way that you are using what God has given you – your intellect, abilities, and energy – to reach the purpose that he intends for your life.” (Kathi Hudson)“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3NLT)

But what does God says about success? According to His standards, success is measured not by material assets but by spiritual assets, not by what you have but who you are, not by what you know but by who you know. The most successful people I know is the one who know Christ and lives in close fellowship with Him – now that's success in God's eye.
You may ask, “Is it wrong to be successful both in the world and in the spiritual life?” I’ll say, “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Being rich doesn’t mean you’re worldly. (If you have problems with your money, give some to me, will ya?) Being famous doesn’t mean you’re show off. But we get into trouble when we gain material or worldly success at the expense of true success as God defines it – wealth over welfare, car over character, and gold over God.
For closing, I would like to quote Ronald A. Beer in length, he writes it best, “For a Christian, success is measured by faithfulness and fruitfulness, not revenue and profits. It is spiritual assessment, not numerical one. Too often success is measured in terms of appearances, finances, or other external qualities, but the Lord looks at your heart. God measures success not by prestige, possessions, or power, but by the weight of your motives, your actions, and your devotion to Him.”
THINK BIG When you die, you will leave behind ALL your material assets
START SMALL Start to accumulate your spiritual assets that will last for ETERNAL
GO DEEP Partnering with God in this life… that’s insurance for the life to come.
[P.s: I'm not quoting the Scriptures except Proverb above, if I do that this article could not contain]

Very Well said Richard...=)