The Gospel is filled with excitement and action-packed story. If anyone says that reading the Gospel is boring, it’s either because they read it to fulfill religious duty or to merely find fault in it or both. With good easy-to-understand Bible translation, mixed with imagination and faith in the Word of God – I assure you that reading the Gospel is the best quality time you can ever spend for.

“Explain to me that Jesus is still alive today” asked my sincere friend.
“I can’t explain it further more than what the Gospel said about Him.” I replied.
Nobody can explain or proof that He is still alive today unless they experience it for themselves. And to experience Him, you should be familiar with His Life Story – the Gospel.
Helen Keller, deaf, dumb, and blind, was taken to Phillips Brooks for spiritual instruction. In the simplest of terms the great preacher told the girl about Jesus. As she heard the gospel, her face lit up and she spelled out in the hand of preacher-teacher, “I knew all this time there must be one like that, but I didn’t know His name.”
THINK BIG Do you want to know His name? Do you want to experience Him?
Have you heard about the Good News?
START SMALL Start with His Life Story – the GospelGO DEEP You might find Him (He found you first) - The Savior you're looking for.

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