As I searched for stories on my notebook, I came across to one of the finest piece that has a great example on this truth; people need people. William C. Schutz told a story;
“Yes,” she explained, “but sometimes people need people anyway, even if they know how to do things for themselves.”
As I slowly lowered the newspaper, a strong feeling came over me, a mixture of delight, anger, and pride; delight in the realization that what I had just heard had crystallized many stray thoughts on interpersonal behavior; anger because Laurie stated so effortlessly what I had been struggling with for months; and pride because, after all, she is my daughter.
Have you experienced that kind of experience before? I had. My ex-girlfriend wanted me to choose a dress for her. I thought, ‘Can she choose it for herself! After all, she’s the one who’s using it!’ My mother asked me to pick up a bottle of tomato ketchup. I mumbled in my mind, ‘What? It just 3cm away from her hand… beyond her reached!’ But only later after I learned to be more sensitive with others, I realize that people (ex-girlfriend and mother) need people (me) even if they can and know how to do things for themselves.
Your parents wish you to be there during dinner time, even if they can proceed without your physical presence. Your little brother wants to play video games with you even though he can play single games alone (and win the game!). Your sister need you to be there for her birthday party even if she know that you don’t like to mix around with strangers and all… hey, people need people… and somewhere, someone need you.
Is there anyone that you may want to help, to be there, to stay with, to have fun together, to share tears from night till morning (alright, that’s too much!), to keep warm, to do crazy things together, and to spend money and time with? If there is any of the above, maybe you might want to consider doing it… remember, people need people. If Jesus was physically here, I know exactly where He gonna be most of the time – with people.

Thanks... I often skip dinner with my family. God bless