Saturday, August 6, 2011

What in the World are you Doing?

All Glory to God, who is able, through His Mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20NLT)

All of God’s great men have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them; they counted on His faithfulness.” (J. Hudson Taylor)
We usually think of love as a feeling, but the Truth teaches that love is really an action. Genuine love is demonstrated through acts of kindness and service – that’s love in action! To serve in Christianity context is to do something for someone else with no thought of getting anything in return and through many of my articles before this, in whatever we do; our motive is really to show that it is out of the love for God that we serve.

Jesus turned the World upside down by His teaching that the high goal in life is to BE a servant. He places such a high value on serving because instead of being self-centered (which we all will normally-fleshly do), He places others-centered as the essence of effective Christian living. Howard G. Hendricks writes, “God is not looking for more stars; He’s looking for more servants.” And to be a servant, you need Master. And to serve Master, you need to serve His People.

Someone said to the conductor of a symphony orchestra,
How would you describe your job?”
He answered, “To serve the music as well as I can, to serve the orchestra as well as I can, to serve the audience as well as I can.”

How would you describe your job? Ministry? Studies etc.? May I hear a resounding voice say, “To serve others”!

Let all the Glory be to God.

Happy serving ,friends.

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