"Good leaders," says
John C. Maxwell, "ask great questions." I went up
NOT to ask for a petition or request
or intercession prayer. I don't come with needs or wants or pleas. These are
important, but not as important as what I came for. I came to ask God one
question: "Father, do you love me?"
Often in ministry and
personal life, we try to both 'proof' and 'prove' that we love Him. Really, in
actions, we actually ask for approval from others, 'What will people think about me? My ministry?' Thus we serve from
the point of insecurity and people-pleasing attitude. We need to ask this
question: "Father, do you love me?" The Father said to the Son before
He did any public ministry: “You are my
Son, chosen and marked by my love, pride of my life" (Mark 1:11). Jesus
doesn't need to 'proof' or 'prove' that He is worthy - He is. So, when people
criticized or accused falsely against Him, He was secure. So ask, "Father,
do you love me?" At the end of the day, it's not those who say
"I love God" will go to heaven, it’s those whom God says, "I know you... Come" (read Matthew
The Catholic Memorial
& Pilgrimage Centre Mount Singai, Bau, Sarawak is not the only place to ask
this question, it can be anywhere. I choose it because it is quiet and peaceful

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