If you’re feeling too much pressure to have sex, you’re dating the wrong person – and it’s time to break things off. If you’re seeing someone who’s pressuring you to become sexually active, here’s an important question to ask yourself: Why, in the name of common sense, would you want to date a person like that? After all, if the person you’re dating really cares about you – and if that person wants to spend the rest of his or her life with you – waiting isn’t really a sacrifice, it’s an honor. But if the person you’re dating simply views you as sexual conquest, then you’d better run, run as fast as you can… in the opposite direction, to God and His Word.
Common sense tells you to wait; God’s Word commands you to wait, and your conscience begs you to wait. So wait! And if somebody tells you to do otherwise, you have absolutely no business dating them. If you’re feeling pressure from your date, it’s time to end your date.

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