Dear Annie,
It will always be you. I can’t imagine what my life will
be if there is no you. When you said you
love me, I trust you. I trust you to be faithful because you also want me
to be faithful to you too and I want nothing else, except for you to be happy.
I read in the book of Zechariah 8:16, “These are the things
you must do: Speak truth to one another; render honest and peaceful judgements
in your gates.” God is the God of truth, and to trust is to tell the
truth. Let us be transparent to one another.
From my observations and personal failures, I learned that
lasting relationships are built upon honesty and trust. Without trust, people
soon drift apart. But with trust, relationships grow and flourish (But envy,
jealousy and unwarranted suspicious are trio-evils in relationships). Even though
we’re not married yet, I like what Ed Young recommends to young couples in his
book, “Trust is like ‘money in the bank’ in
a marriage. There must be a reasonable amount of it on deposit to ensure the
security of a marital union.” As Christians, by God’s grace we should
always be trustworthy, encouraging and loyal. “The single most important element in any human relationship,”
writes Catherine Marshall, “is honesty –
with oneself, with God, and with others.” We should be thankful for the people
who are loyal to us. I’m very thankful for you.
I asked myself, Do I
want Annie to trust me? and Do I want
my friends to trust me? Yes, yes for both. Then I thought, if I want people to trust me, I should first
be a friend that they can trust. We first become who we want people to be and
to treat us. We don’t demand trust. We grow it, we give it away – we earn it.
If we ever having an issue of trust in the future, let’s take Charles Swindoll
advice: “Whatever you do when conflicts
arise, be wise. Fight against jumping to quick conclusions and seeing only your
side. There are always two sides on the streets of conflict. Look both ways.”
I want to build a firm foundation of trust
with you – no shaky foundations. A foundation of meaningful relationships. If we
want our relationship to last, trust God, be honest and trustworthy. But then
again, let’s not too focus on ourselves. God
is our greatest priority, without Him we are nothing. Psalms 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses [some in human
relationships]: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God”
(Bracket mine).
God be honour and gloried
in us.
I call you tonight.
I miss you.
Your faithful,

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