“Then the disciples came to him and asked, ‘Do you realize you offended the Pharisees by
what you just said?’ Jesus replied, ‘Every
plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted, so ignore them. They
are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another,
they will both fall into a ditch’” (Matthew 15:12-14, NLT).
By confronting the
Pharisees regarding their teaching of traditions above or same level with the
Scripture (read Matthew 15:1-11), Jesus was establishing himself as the right
interpreter of the Scripture. God had given Israel numerous dietary laws, but
these laws and the religious leaders’ interpretations of them had become more
important than the meaning behind them, leading to the idea that people could
be clean before God because of what they refused to eat, for example. And
because the Pharisees had become the religious authorities of the day, they
naturally become offended by what Jesus said. The disciples pointed out this
offense, implying that Jesus had made a great risk against religious
establishment (“Jesus the controversial,”
said John W. Stott).
Because of their
hard-heartedness, Jesus explained that they were being rejected as leaders of
God’s people and like weeds in the garden (symbol of evil influences), they
would be “uprooted.” Then Jesus
told the disciples to “ignore them.”
The disciples shouldn’t follow, listen to, or regard the hypocritical
Pharisees. The issue is this – the Pharisees claimed to be leaders of the
people, but Jesus turned this around to show that, in reality, they were “blind guides” who would lead people the
wrong way and thus resulted them to “fall into a
ditch.” That’s hurt!
Think about this: Today
many claim to be religious authorities. Some teachers, preachers, pastors, para-church
workers, and others draw large crowds and have huge followings in churches,
special events, concerts, seminars, online, and in publishing. Although they (us, including me!) may sound
and look good, we must be careful whom we follow. Our earthly spiritual leaders
should affirm basically; 1) Jesus as fully God and fully human; 2) Jesus as the
only way to salvation; and 3) the Bible as God’s written and inspired Word, our
only rule for faith and practise. Any leader who is offended by those
beliefs and values should be left behind. Don’t follow them. If their living
doesn’t match with their teachings, don’t follow them. As soon as we know the
true motive of a teacher or preacher is not
God’s glory, we should stop listening to him or her.
On the positive note, by all means follow the right
and godly leaders.
By the way, Who are your spiritual leaders?
By the way, Who are your spiritual leaders?

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