“Late in the afternoon the twelve disciples came to Jesus
and said, ‘Send the crowds away to the
nearby villages and farms, so they can find food and lodging for the night.
There is nothing to eat here in this remote place.’ But Jesus said, ‘You feed them.’ ‘But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish,’ they answered.
‘Or are you expecting us to go and buy
enough food for this whole crowd?’ For there were about 5,000 men there”
(Luke 9:12-14, NLT).
(Luke 9:12-14, NLT).
“Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, ‘There’s a young boy here with five barley
loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?’” (John 6:8-9)
The disciples were shocked
by Jesus’ response and – so do I. They didn’t understand what he was saying.
How could they possibly feed this huge crowd? Thus they gave him the typical
reasons his request seemed impossible: too
many people, no stores, no money. So Jesus told them to find out what they
actually had (see Mark 6:38). A check of the resources yielded just a boy with
five loaves of bread and two fish, a small boy’s lunch that he was willing to
share for Jesus’ use.
The Bible doesn’t tell us
what the boy was thinking or even where his parents were, for that matter. Was
he the only one who had thought ahead? He was risking a lot, turning over his
lunch to Jesus. We don’t know the interchange between the boy and the
disciples, but they brought the food to Jesus. In all the accounts of this
incident in the Gospels, we read nothing about the disciples giving of their
resources to Jesus. Instead, they
expressed their grave concerns about the problem and their doubts about any
possible solutions. In contrast, the
boy gave Jesus everything he had, even though it wasn’t much in light of the
huge need. The boy’s faith in Jesus, expressed by turning over his meager
resources, made all the difference.
Think about this: Because
we are painfully aware of our weaknesses and limitations, we can easily think
we have nothing to offer to God. After all, we might think, I’m only a housewife or I’m only a layperson or I’m only a college student or I haven’t been a Christian very long or I’m poor. We and our resources are meager,
but our God is infinite and omnipotent, with unlimited resources. He wants us
to release control, to turn everything over to him. Yes, we are poor; He is
rich! Yes, we are finite; He is infinite! Yes, we are weak and doubtful; He is
omnipotent! With all that we have, with Jesus, we can make a difference.

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