Dear Annie,
miss you. But let this note become a reminder for us to stay focus on the Lord.
Lord Jesus said, “I have come that they may
have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
When Jesus talks of the abundant life, is He talking about material riches or
earthly fame? Hardly. The Son of God
came to this world, not to give it prosperity, but to give it salvation.
Salvation. Thankfully for us, Christians, our Saviour’s abundance is both
spiritual and eternal; it never falters – even if we do – and it never dies. We
need only to open our minds and hearts, to repent of our sins, to look to Him,
and His grace become ours.
gifts are available to all, but they are not guaranteed; those gifts must be
claimed by those who choose to follow Jesus. As believers, we are free to
accept God’s gifts, or not; that choice, and the consequences that result from
it, are ours and ours alone.
we go about our daily lives, may we accept God’s promise of spiritual
abundance, and may we share it with a world in desperate need of the Master’s
healing touch in our workplace, community and home. Abundant living may or may
not include material wealth (Thanks God for everything!), but abundant living
always includes the spiritual riches that you and I receive when we obey God’s Word. “If we were give all we wanted here,”
writes Elisabeth Elliot, “our hearts
would settle for this world rather than the next.” May our focus is always
on the eternal. Annie, God give Himself to us – Jesus Christ – and in Him we
can have abundant life! Amen.
I miss you
Your Mr,

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