Actually, this series is from Understanding Bible Truth booklets by Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes (1981), but I have expanded some texts for modern readers (to make it easier to read) and added Scripture quotes (I’m using ESV Bible) into these writings to clarify its points more clearly. My purpose of making this series available in the internet is single: So that you can be clear the essential facts about the Bible’s teaching in a readily understandable form.
First, What Does it mean by “Revelation”?
There are two basic hindrances in our relationship with God. Firstly, God is infinite and humankind is finite. Secondly, God is holy and human beings are sinful. Thus, we cannot (even if we want to) know and have fellowship with God unless He reveals Himself to us, that is, unless He manifests Himself to us first. Robert M. Solomon in his book, The Enduring Word: The Authority and Reliability of the Bible, writes, “Unless God take initiative, there would be no contact between God and humankind… God is keen to make Himself known – He is keen to reveal His thoughts and purposes. This process is called revelation – whereby God reveals Himself to humankind, either directly or indirectly.”
There are 2 basic classifications of revelation: special revelation and general revelation. Here we only discuss 6 modes of revelations. God reveals Himself…
Supremely in Jesus (Special Revelation)
Throughout history God has been communicating to mankind. In the Old Testament God sent messengers and prophets to speak His messages, but it is in Jesus Christ that His revelation is complete and perfect (Hebrews 1:1-4). This is why Jesus is called “the Word” (John 1:1-18). He is the fullest way in which God has revealed Himself to us. Jesus’ life, His teaching and His character portrayed God perfectly, for He was God living as a man. John 1:18 declares, “No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at Father’s side, he [Jesus] had made him known”.
Through the Bible (Special Revelation)
Through a unique collection of writings, brought together over a period of about 1,500 years, God has made clear His plan for mankind, using men whom He guided to convey His message. Apostle Peter testified, “No prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21).
Some men were chosen to write selected history, others to communicate wisdom and worship, yet others to unfold the future, or to give instruction for belief and conduct. Each book has its individual way of showing us God, within the unity of the Bible. “What I say is perspired,” writes Walter C. Kaiser Jr. “what God says is inspired”.
Through Creation (General Revelation)
The universe communicates (in a more general way) its own message of the power and majesty of God to the human race. Paul writes, “What can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it [the creation] to them” (Romans 1:19, bracket mine).
Even those who have never read the Bible see the finger of God in the universe. Psalms 19:1 reveals, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
In History (General Revelation)
God has revealed Himself in a powerful way through history. God’s plan is revealed in the rise and fall of great empires, Egyptian, Babylonian or Roman. Jewish history is seen in the Bible as the means by which the Messiah would finally come. Furthermore, it cannot be a coincidence that the beginning of the Christian faith took place at a historically stable time, when communications were excellent in the Roman Empire, and when there was one common language – Greek.
Isn’t that amazing?
Isn’t that amazing?
In Man (General Revelation)
God also reveals Himself in the very way in which we are made up. Man is made in “the image of God” (Genesis 1:27), and this image, although distorted through deliberate rebellion because of the fall, is not obliterated. As a result, man’s nature can point to the work of the Creator (see Psalm 139:13-16).
Man’s complexity and creativity is a signpost of God’s revelation, as also is the power of his conscience, his instincts and his emotions. It is evident that man was made to enjoy relationships, and these very relationships show the character of the God who made us
[Note: The Trinity of Godhead is the foundation of Biblical relationship. For the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit loves one another in unity-relationship. This is the source of our longing for relationship].
Through Human Experience (General Revelation)
God continues to speak to us in the present. His voice is heard in many ways: through human friendship, through the arts and through our appreciation of all that is beautiful.
Christ’s followers are also given the Holy Spirit (this, I believe, is fall under the category of ‘Special Revelation’), who speaks both to individuals and churches, and who progressively transforms those who listen to Him. In these ways, God continues to reveal Himself to men in the present. “For through [Christ] we both have access in one Spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2:18).
My Conclusion about “God’s Revelation”
There is a story about an old Christian gentleman who was known for his optimistic outlook was asked the secret of his triumphant attitude. He replied, “I’ve read the last book of the Bible, so I know how the story ends. I’m on the winning side”. Yes, through what God had revealed to us, especially through the living Word of God – we who put our trust in the living God through faith in Jesus Christ by God’s grace – are really in the winning side! But don’t be too happy just because of that Good News; be happy also, supremely that – God is the One who first initiates relationship to have fellowship with us.
Remember the message of Christmas? Jesus come to us and was called “Emmanuel”, God is with us. Amazing!

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