Actually, this series is from Understanding Bible Truth booklets by Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes (1981), but I have expanded some texts for modern readers (to make it easier to read) and added Scripture quotes (I’m using ESV Bible) into these writings to clarify its points more clearly. My purpose of making this series available in the internet is single: So that you can be clear the essential facts about the Bible’s teaching in a readily understandable form.
Why I invest my time in re-typing and expanding this series and write it in such a way that even ordinary people without formal theological background can gain benefit from this series (I hope and pray); negatively, it is because I see the shallowness and down fall of solid Biblical teaching and the rise of false teachers who teaches the old heretic of prosperity, health and wealth gospel in our churches today especially in my own country Malaysia. And positively, to help the faithful ones to stand firm and remain solid, unshakable in their delight and understand of Bible doctrine.
I pray and hope that this series can achieve or at least contribute to my single purpose above and help to ease these two concerns for the glory of God and for the joy of His people.
Now briefly, why should Christians be familiar with Bible doctrine?
[Doctrine means ‘teaching’]
1) Firstly, because we love God. And if you love someone, you want to know everything about them, so it is with our respond to God and His Word.
2) Secondly, because what you believe will shape your spiritual life. The way you think about God will affect the way you relate to God and to all God’s creation especially to others.
3) Thirdly, because without it we won’t understand the world in which we live. Or to put it differently, we won’t know how to live in the world.
4) Fourthly, because without it we won’t know what to say to the unsaved people we meet. Peter tells us that we must be ‘prepared to give to every man a reason for the hope that is within us’ (1 Peter 3:15)
5) Fifthly, because we ought to instruct one another in truth and defend our faith against false teachings. We must correct error with the truth.
6) Sixthly, because in order for us to be a mature growing Christian, we should continue to learn about the faith. We must continue in what we have learned and have firmly believed.
7) Seventhly, because Christian affections must be based on the knowledge of God. Mind and heart are one. Thinking and feeling are one. Use both of these faculties for the Glory of God.
Bible Doctrine Series contents
[Click the title to read]
1) The Bible
ii. Its Inspiration
iii. Its Interpretation
iv. Its Application
vi. Its Contents
2) God
i. The Creator
ii. God’s Being
iii. God’s Character
vi. The Trinity
3) Jesus Christ
iv. His Names
4) The Holy Spirit
i. His Person
iii. His Work
iv. His Activity in the Christian
v. His Fruit
vi. His Gifts
5) Humanity
i. Our Uniqueness
ii. Our Diversity
iii. Our Rebellion and Fall
iv. Our Rebellion and Condemnation
v. Our Quest and Dilemma
vi. Our Enemies
6) God’s Messengers
i. Angels
ii. Patriarchs
iii. Priests
iv. Prophets
v. Apostles
vi. Evangelists
7) Salvation
i. God’s Plan for Humanity
ii. Humanity’s Need of Salvation
iii. The Way of Salvation
iv. Acceptance
v. Sanctification
vi. In the Letter of the Romans
8) The Christian
i. Described
ii. The Christian and the Bible
iii. The Christian and the Prayer
iv. The Christian and Witness
v. The Christian and the World
vi. The Christian Life
9) The Church
i. Its Characteristics
ii. Its Main Description
iii. Its Relationship to Christ
iv. Its Authority and Mission
v. Its Ordinances
vi. Its Ministry and Order
10) The Last Things
i. The Hope of the Christian
ii. The Prelude to Christ’s Return
iii. The Return of Christ
iv. The Judgment
v. The Resurrection
vi. The New Order
If you want to read on the latest updates and additional materials such as Bible Study help and reflection questions on Understanding Bible Truth booklets by Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes (1981), you can refer to Collins Bible Companion: The Only Book You need Beside the Bible (Fulham Palace, London: HarderCollins Publishers, 2009. p 330-463).

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