Actually, this series is from Understanding Bible Truth booklets by Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes (1981), but I have expanded some texts for modern readers (to make it easier to read) and added Scripture quotes (I’m using ESV Bible) into these writings to clarify its points more clearly. My purpose of making this series available in the internet is single: So that you can be clear the essential facts about the Bible’s teaching in a readily understandable form.
First, What is “the Bible”?
“The Bible,” writes Robert M Solomon author of The Enduring Word, “is the greatest library of books that the world has ever seen. It is an amazing collection of different genres of literature, written by a variety of authors over a long period of time”. The Bible consist almost all genres of literature in the world; history, poetry, prophecy, letter etc. The authors of it were kings and princes, poets and philosophers, prophets and statesmen. The Bible contains 66 books, written by 40 authors and covering a period of approximately 1,500 years.
The word ‘Bible’ comes from the Greek word ‘biblos’ which means ‘book’. So, it is A BOOK – ONE BOOK about One and Only true God. Dr. Henrietta C. Mears reminds us, “The Bible is one book, one history, one story – His story. Behind 10,000 events stands God, the builder of history, the maker of the ages. Eternity bounds the one side, eternity bounds the other side, and time is in between: Genesis (origins) to Revelation (endings) and all the way in between, God is working things out. You can go into the minutest detail everywhere and see that there is one great purpose moving through the ages: the eternal design of the almighty God to redeem a wrecked and ruined world.”
The Bible has 2 main sections; the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Old Testament
The historical books of the Old Testament (from Genesis to Esther) show how God is involved in human history. He created the world, He chose a people to carry out His plan for saving all mankind and He provided them with laws for correct living. These books of the law and the story of the nation Israel provide the foundation for New Testament Christianity.
Poetry and Wisdom
Proverbs, riddles, songs, parables and allegories all occur in the wisdom and poetry books (from Jobs to the Song of Solomon). These books mirror the human response to God and to life. Despair, love and joy, the emptiness of life without God, bitter anger and triumphant faith – every emotion and situation has purpose when God is in the picture.
The prophets were men whom God called to speak for Him to His people. They explained the past, reminding the people of God’s law and His promises; they challenged the evils of the present; they also declared the future acts of God. Although these 17 books (5 Major Prophets & 12 Minor Prophets) often speak of judgment and doom, they also tell of a future hope – the coming of a Messiah and of a new relationship with God.
The New Testament
The four Gospels (according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are based on the accounts of eyewitnesses who heard and saw Jesus of Nazareth, and they identify Him as the Messiah, in fulfillment of the Old Testament. The book of Acts (written by Luke) then goes on to show what took place after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and how the Christian church grew within the Jewish and Gentile worlds.
The New Testament letters were addressed to individuals, churches or groups of churches. They give the reader a vivid impression of the life of the first Christians, and the problems they faced (John MacArthur, pastor and Bible teacher said that “the letters are the commentaries on the Gospels”). These letters often show us the mistakes that Christians made – nothing to hide. These alongside the teaching of the apostles gave correction and guidance in Christian living. Because Christians still have similar needs and weaknesses, the 21 New Testament letters have relevance for the church in this and every age.
The final book in the Bible consists of a series of visions seen by the apostle John, which reveal the situation affecting believers, unbelievers and the whole created order. The Book of Revelation is written in the language of symbolism and prophecy. It has inspired Christians down the ages with its message of God who control history, and who finally defeats all the powers of evil.
My Conclusion about the Bible “Its Main Sections”
“The New is in the Old contained,
The Old is in the New explained.
The New is in the Old latent,
The Old is in the New patent.

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