“You lazy fool, look at an
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two”
(Proverbs 6:6 The Message)
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two”
(Proverbs 6:6 The Message)
as I looked up at the blue-wanna-turn-to-dark sky, I saw an eagle. The eagle looked strong and majesty. But then
went I looked down, I saw an ant. There was this little ant that crawls busily
about beneath my feet. It wanted to say something to me. I bend down and asked
the little ant, “What is it, little
thing?” Mr. Ant says… nothing.
I went back home – a thought comes to mind: Yes! There are some wonderful lessons the ant want to teach me. I
looked through the Bible and found out that the wisest man who ever lived, King
Solomon, said something about this little insect, “Take a lesson from the
ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!” (Proverbs 6:6NLT) or in case you might don’t get it, The Message made it simple and
straightforward: “You lazy fool, look at an ant. Watch it closely; let it teach you a
thing or two”.
we want to be wise, God says we must “look at an ant”. Look at God’s lowly little
creation. God made them all, and He tells us to “watch it closely”.
Maurice Meaterlinck writes, “Today it is
accepted as proven that the ant is incontestably one of the noblest, most
outrageous, most charitable, most devoted, most generous creatures on earth.”
What lessons did I learned
from the ant?
The ant looks ahead and prepares for the future (remember reading Belalang dan Semut children story?)
The ant is always busy.
The ant uses what God provides.
The ant carries burdens many times his own weight (check your Science
The ant is unselfish (Did you know that “some ants carry on their bodies a little sac they keep filled with
honey-like substance which they generously share with the other ants”. I
get this from National Geography website).
The ants all work together to build their nests and gather their food.
The ant is cared by God.
you glad that God made the animals such as an ant to teach us lessons about
life? When I remember back about the little ant that crawls busily about
beneath my feet – I remember God’s Word: “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways
and become wise!” I thank God for His reminder (“Richard, be wise”) and grateful for His loving-rebuke
(‘Richard, don’t be lazy!) – As you
finished reading this may you get the same ‘treatment’ as I do. Amen.
Also read: The Ant Philosophy [CLICK HERE TO READ]
Also read: The Ant Philosophy [CLICK HERE TO READ]

Awesome! Thanks bro