aunty called for help. She requested me to translate some English documents
into Bahasa Iban. It was a very hard
works. I labored in pain and headache. First, because my English is not that good;
and second, my Iban is next to worst!
But I have to do it, in fact, I want to do it. I told her, “Yes, my pleasure,” and I meant every
single words that I said.
I had finished what she assigned me to do. I tell you, my heart was outburst
with joy and gladness when she said: “Thank
you. You’re very helpful”. Even today, as I write this article, there is
still joy leftover. I ask myself, ‘Why? Why
I’m so happy doing it? Why this sudden joy in helping other? Why I’m so happy
when she says thank you?’ Then this thought come to mind: God is happy when you ask of Him. This
God-given thought (I believe) revolutionizes my theology in the matter of
to consider this Bible verses and count how many times God is asking us to “ask” for Him:
on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on
knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to
everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone
instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them
a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to
your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those
who ask him” (Matthew 7:7-11NLT).
you count how many times God asking us to ‘ask’
of Him? My Bible summaries it this way: many times. This is amazing!
like I’m happy when my aunty asked for my help, it is much more will my Father
be happy when I pray to Him. What can brings more joy to my Creator when His creation
relies on Him, need of Him and trust of Him? I said to my students one day, ‘Why we pray? Why we praise God? Don’t you
know that God will never cease to be God even if we didn’t pray to Him or
lifted our hands in worship and praise Him? God need not us – we need
God. God is not depending on us – we’re depending on Him. Therefore, we should
pray and worship Him’.
says ‘Ask’, therefore we joyfully pray
to Him. God commands ‘Ask’,
therefore we should obey Him – and He will “give good
gifts to those who ask Him” according to His will. Pray, for
this is your joyful duty to your Master. Give thanks, for He is worthy of our
praise. And I tell you my friend, God is
happy when you ask of Him. Pray.

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