“The main satisfactions of
life come through
hard work which one enjoys” (George W. Eliot).
hard work which one enjoys” (George W. Eliot).
I love my work now. Not because it’s easy or there’s no challenges and
problems or everybody likes me – far from it, but because I believe that this
is what God had appointed me to do (as for now) and I enjoy doing it. I also
love my previous job, namely, in customer service area because I love meeting
with people and it provide a platform for me to improve my communication skills.
What joyful discoveries and learned experiences I gained during that time! I love
all my jobs.

YB Baru Bian, for example, is a good leader because he believes and enjoy in what
he’s doing. He became YB, a people’s representative not so that everyone will
like him or foolishly assume that this job will go smooth without any opposition,
but simply because he loves the Lord and His people (This I know personally). I
suspect that his personal mission
statement mostly have to do with his passion for other’s welfare – to build
people and be the voice for them. He plays
in his work.
Thomas Carlyle says, “Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other
blessedness. He has a work, a life-purpose; he has found it and will follow it.
Labor is life; from the inmost heart of the worker rises his God-given force,
the sacred, celestial life-essence breathed into him by almighty God.”
Work done grudgingly is
Work done willingly is
Work done lovingly is

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