“Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right” (Proverbs 20:11NLT)
During lunch break at Cameron Highland, I went to a shop to buy a strawberry chocolate. When I opened it, I was surprised by how small is the amount of chocolate compare to its box! The box is nicely-design and the image is watery-delicious. But not it’s contain; the taste is just plain and less-chocolaty. All other chocolate is fine thus far, but I promise I won’t buy this particular brand next time!
This experience remind me of a proverb, “Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right” (Proverbs 20:11). I learned that the quality of the chocolate is not to be judge by its cover (pious look), but must be back-up by it content (character). If someone says he or she is a godly person, his or her words can only be proven by consistent actions. Appearances (nicely-design boxes) and words (its brand) are deceiving; behavior (the chocolate taste) is the best judge of character. This illustration and Bible truth is applies to all of us: what we do or our deed is the best proof of our true character.
As follower of Jesus Christ, we demonstrate our love for Him by ‘the way [we] act’, not just by what we say (or in my case, not just by the words I use). May you and I, as we confess our devotion and love to God, as God had love us first, let us revealed that love in our actions – daily.

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