“I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again”
(John 6:35NLT)
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again”
(John 6:35NLT)
What would happen if you ate fast food and nothing else? Some questions are apparently too difficult for some to resist… well, at least for me. Before I come to Cameron Highland for National staff planning, I personally decided to eat KFC food two times a day (except dinner) for 3 days. The result? I gained my weight especially at my tummy area and my stamina decreases.
In the same way, we, Christians also tend to ‘eat fast food’ when it comes to spiritual foods and personal disciplines. We are suffers from a ‘fattening’ condition with respect to the mind and ‘cholesterol’ clutter with respect to the heart. We often ‘stuff’ ourselves with intellectual and spiritual ‘fast food’ while failing to feast upon the rich nutrition foods (other than fast foods) that are available to us. I recommend: ‘home-cooked foods’.
Let me be plain and simple: reading books about the Bible is not the same thing as reading the Bible firsthand. Also, knowing things about Jesus is not the same as knowing Jesus firsthand. While there is nothing gravely wrong with reading other’s books about the Bible or hearing and knowing about Jesus through other people’s testimonies and sermons as such (the fact is, ‘fast food’ is not really harmful if you take it moderately) – it is crucial for you and me to explore the Bible and eventually, having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself firsthand.
We should be ‘fit’ and ‘healthy’ inside-out. Don’t eat too much of ‘fast food’; try to eat more ‘high nutritious food’ – namely, The Word of God and Jesus the Living Word Himself. This is God’s Home-cooked food. It is from here that salvation and everlasting life are making known to us.

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