“Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use his words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say let it be as representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father” (Colossians 3:16-17NLT).
I would say thank you for inviting me to a very privilege opportunity to share
God’s Word this wonderful morning. Then after brief introductions about myself,
I would jump straight to the Word. But before that, I would give the background
of the Letter from Paul to Colossians. Some slideshow perhaps; maybe not – depend.
I would proceed with my outlines and points:
Why we sing?
in his mind, inspired by the Holy Spirit, sees that our singing as having
God-ward dimension (‘Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to
God’) and one-another-ward dimension (‘to teach and counsel each other’).
Then, I would emphasis that any classic or modern Christian songs should be
based on ‘the word of Christ’ which refers especially to Christ’s
teaching in the New Testament and also include the Old Testament. When we sing
songs (involve our heart) base on, inspired by, our knowledge of ‘the word of Christ’
(involve our mind) – it glorify God and able to encourage one another.
2) What we sing?
sing the message of God that is ‘the word of Christ’. 3 principles I would
underline here:
is important, not style – lighting, disco ball, dry ice, impressive
showmanship, music volumes, spiky hairstyle, not-relevant-shouting, ‘flowery’
& ‘too-much’ slideshows etc. ought not to be our major concern here! It is
the content of our songs based on ‘the word of Christ’.
along, (everyone takes part) – remember; sing songs to God are not a band or
solo performance, it’s a time of worshiping together.
Mixing of
old and new songs are recommended – Old or classic songs, no doubt are
wonderful and powerful. But new songs are very welcome because we want a
ministry of ‘the word’ that is also contemporary to our culture and situations
today. Mix of songs that are inspired by ‘the word of Christ’. [See Zondervan
NIV Bible Study notes for ‘psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’, page 1857. it is very interesting]
How do we sing?
said “with thankful hearts”; “giving thanks through him [Lord
Jesus] to God the Father” (bracket mine). How to cultivate such
attitude will be discuss in the light of the Cross. I would share about the
life, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ to my hearers.
closing, I would repeat my points and reread again verses of the Letter to Colossians above. Then
conclude my sharing with a prayer or perhaps also with a thought-challenging
question… still working on it. Help me here. Happy Sunday!

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