had been with His disciples about three years when He said, “There
is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. When the Spirit
of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own
but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future”
(John 16:12-13NLT). He had more He needed to
teach them, but they were not ready to receive it. Jesus knew, however, that
the Holy Spirit would continue to guide these disciples into truth on God’s
time table.
may be saying, “God, hurry up and make me mature.” And God is saying, “I’m
moving just as fast in your life as you will allow me. When you are ready for
your next lesson, I will bring a new truth into your life.” Relax. Be
faithful with what you’ve learned from Him. Obey His Word and come to know Him
more as He reveals Himself to you day by day. Maturity in the truth comes with
time, not overnight.
T. Blackaby writes, “Grass that is here today gone tomorrow does
not require much time to mature. A big oak tree that lasts for generations
requires much more time to grow and mature. God is concerned about your life
through eternity. Allow Him to take all the time He needs to shape you for His
purposes.” Do you want to be like a grass or an oak tree? Allow God to
take all the time He needs to make you mature. Meanwhile – be obedience and
give time for the truth to grow into your life. The Holy Spirit will guide you
into all truth.

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