When I was a kid; I and my naughty
friends went to explores waterfall behind my house near our village. We were
totally naked and ready to jump. One by one jumped from the edge of waterfall. But
when it was my turned to do the same, I shake my head, chickened-down, and back
away. Lurking fears… undeniable – scary.
As I remembered my
childhood past, I ponder. How many people spend life on the edge of the waterfall?
Not willing to jump. Hesitated. Fear of the unknown. The same way we’re not
willing to try, doubtful and ignoring faith. We’re content to experience
life through the feelings or actions in the imagination of others. For fear of
the worst, we never enjoy life at its best… we afraid to jump.
As followers of God, you
and I have a God-size assurance. We know everything is going to turn out
all right (though we may not see it that ways at the present moment, or for
some – never will). Christ hasn’t moved from His throne, and Romans 8:28
hasn’t evaporated from the Bible. Prove? Here it is, God’s Word: “And
we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who
love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans

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