Monday, September 5, 2011

Sarawak Laksa, Bossy Blogger and Master's Example

That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not to be served – and then to give away his life in exchange for many who are held hostage.” (Mark 10:45, The Message)

The world needs servants. People like Jesus, who ‘did not come to be served, but to serve’. He chose remote Nazareth over center-stage Jerusalem, his dad’s carpentry shop over a marble-columned palace, and three decades of anonymity over a life of popularity.”
(Max Lucado, Cure for the Common Life)

Morning sunrise shine on my bedroom’ window and my heavy eyes browsed over my mini library to get some booze words of inspirations. As I moved my hands to select which book to read, at once, my eyes fixed on drawing block paper-size that is hanged wide open in front of my single bed. It was my quote of the month;

God is not looking for more stars; He’s looking for more servants.”
(Howard G. Hendricks)

Those words make my day! I skipped my meal, ride to work and whistle along the way. My thought was puffed up with word; servant, servant, servant. As I’m about to place a stand on my motorcycle, I smelled something delicious – Sarawak Laksa! Who can resist that? My nose sent signals to my brain and within millisecond, Mr. Brain instructed Mr. Stomach to make a reactions – it made sound~ I need a breakfast! I need Laksa!
So I waved my hand, with high tone voice almost reach a scream level and commanded, “One special Laksa!!!”

There I was; a motivational writer, an inspired blogger, and a Christian staff worker. Waved my hand violently instead of raised it properly; High tone voice instead of soft, clear and polite words; A General-like command instead of a human-like request. I treat others as my servants and I’m the master! After I realized of my arrogant and bossy state – I’m sorry for the pride. I should raise my hand, soften my voice, and request, “One special Laksa, please~” [Keyword: Please]
Now, isn’t that much better? A servant-like manner? A Christ-like follower?

 He set aside the privilege of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death – and the worst kind of death at that: a crucifixion” (Philippians 2:7-8 The Message)

Jesus entered the world to serve. He is the Boss of Creation but He washed His disciples’ feet. Master over angels but chose to be a slave for mankind. If that doesn’t convince you to serve, I don’t know what to write anymore. Questions: Now, why should we expect anything less? Shouldn’t we do the same? If the Master served, we as His Servants should follow His example: serve.

Have the mind set of servanthood wherever you are – home, office, class, church, and shopping mall or even at Laksa stall. Wear the banner of servanthood with whomever you meet – colleague, pregnant lady, old people, children, parent, strangers or even Laksa stall’s owner. Keep the attitude of servanthood whenever you are – 24 hours a day minus sleeping time.
Love the overlook…
…lower your nose and chin 45 degree,
…and offer your hands for the needy

Yes, offer your hands… Remember; we serve because Jesus Christ’s pierced hands, the greatest servant who ever lived, had done it first. THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP.
Best Blogger Tips

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