Friday, September 23, 2011

Free Book: Confidence - How to Succeed at Being Yourself

If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” (Vincent Van Gogh)

One of my greatest strengths (and also my greatest weaknesses) is having a fair amount of confidence. I once read that confidence can leads to two courses: It can lead to pride, which results in arrogance and boosting, or it can lead to inner assurance, which produces a healthy self-esteem. I hope that your confidence will produce healthy self-esteem.*

Dr. W. G. Covington, Jr. reviewed this book on
“Dr. McGinnis writes, "One of the strangest things we observe in therapy is that people who doubt themselves often cannot accept compliments." He prefaces this observation with a call for balance, saying this book is not designed to present an exaggerated look at self-esteem. The other extreme to be avoided is low self-esteem and false modesty. The approach taught in the Bible is to "love your neighbor as you love yourself." That is the balance he advocates.”

I would like to give you a copy of Alan Loy McGinnis’s book entitle Confidence: How to Succeed at Being Yourself. There are only 3 books available for you to request. 

Do you want to have a copy of this book? Do these 2 things:
1)    Comment below “I want to have confidence that will produce healthy self-esteem_(Your name)”
2)    E-mail me at OR send message to my Facebook your real name, phone no. and your postal address.

*Introduction is from my weekly post: Week 40: Confidence destroys fear (Click HERE to read)
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  1. Example,
    I want to have confidence that will produce healthy self-esteem (Richard the Brave)

  2. I want to have confidence that will produce healthy self-esteem!(Eudora Priscilla):)

  3. I want to have confidence that will produce healthy self-esteem (Vella Mathiews) :)

  4. Go be confidence! 2) Vella...
    Last one... One more request.

  5. I want to have confidence that will produce healthy self-esteem (Caden)

  6. It is finished!
    1) Dora Priscilla
    2) Vella
    3) Caden

    Happy Reading and Growing :)

  7. “I want to have confidence that will produce healthy self-esteem_(AngusMcB)”


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