I confess that I plagiarized and modified
this article from Winkie Pratney’s Doorways to
Discipleship (Communication Foundation Publishers, 1975), page
141-143. I also modernized the language and edited some ‘old’ words to familiar
ones for easy reading and understanding. Yes, I will be responsible for any
copyright laws suit – and for making this valuable message available online.
[I think the title of this
article is brilliant. Thank you]. God made
us different. We can have friendships of many kinds that are shallow of the
friendship of God. Some of the loveliest friendships of all are those that can
develop in early years of getting to know the complimentary sex. It is wise to
know the differences God has put in men’s and women’s personalities so we can
understand how to date God’s way and understand how the “other” thinks. Based on
this book that I read and my own personal experiences (mostly my failures to
understand), I divided our differences into two categories: physical and
Apart from fairly obvious
sexual differences, God has made most
men physically stronger than women. Now, I know there are exceptions, I know
all about the woman who weights four hundred pounds, has a black belt in karate
and can climb up mount Kinabalu with heavy luggage on her back. But usually,
God made a man stronger physically so that he can protect his girl and take
care of her. Now, girls turn physically into woman sooner than boys turn into
men. When most guys are playing video games, running in gangs, and flying
kites, girls their age are desperately falling in love with their math
teachers! This mean a girl can have a woman’s body but a little girl’s mind.
It can lead you girls into dating older guys.
It can also lead to
trouble unless you know what’s happening and get ready for it. That’s why some
fathers freak-out when they discover their little girl is going out somewhere
with an older guy (Nicholas Spark, my favourite novel writer, know this). Dad have
been around. They may not understand the reasons. But most probably they care
about you, or even sometimes because they remember something of their own past
with some guilt and regret. I do too.
There are usually mental
differences between men and women. Now wait! Don’t judge me quickly. This has
nothing to do with intelligence. A lot of woman are smarter than guys I know. If
you realised, the Book of Proverbs is
filled with warnings to men about the wiles of the strange women, but never
feels it necessary to warn women about strange men. Girls can be every bit as
brilliant as any man around, as far as thinking is concerned. The difference
has to do with the ways God designed us
to use our intelligence. There is a basic difference between the way a girl
thinks and the way a man thinks.
A man operates like a computer. He is matter-of-fact. He is line-on-line,
precept-by-precept person. He think logically in straight lines, adding fact to
fact to get a conclusion. His thoughts go like this: “1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… and therefore, ‘bing!’ …7!”
A girl on the other hand thinks less like a computer
than she does by a feminine form of ‘extrasensory
perception’ (or can I call it ‘sixth sense’?). Her thoughts come in
bundles from all over the place, as God has made her to be intuitive and
inspirational. She has her ‘vibe’ collectors out everywhere, and she prefers to
run by ‘their’ messages than by ‘normal’ channels of logic. Her thoughts may go
like this on the above problems: “1… ah…
4… 3… ah… Bing!.. Therefore, 7!” This, of course, totally blows her
boyfriend’s mind as my girlfriend did to me! He can’t even understand how she
got from one place to another, how she came up with the right idea from all the
wrong reasoning and all the wrong sources, or how in the world she can get the
right answer from all the wrong logic. Give up, brothers! You’ll never do it.
God probably didn’t intend for us to understand. He just made us so we can
enjoy it, and be amazed and amused at the mystery of a girl.
Now This is Important
God made us different. We are equal to God, but we are
different. These two basically
different ways of looking at things make each sex superior to the other in the
role God has given them. The girl is superior to the guy in her way of
thinking when problems of life require an inspirational, intuitive,
unstructured approach. She is good at seeing the whole picture, even if she isn’t
sure how to put it together. The guy is superior to the girl when a problem
needs logic, fact, analysis, and detail to solve it. He is good at putting a
lot of little bits together in the right place. The girl tends to see the whole
forest at once; the guy tends to go in and explore each tree. If each stays in the roles God gave them,
He can bring maximum blessing to their friendship or later – partnership.
Right through the Bible,
beginning at creation, God has set up two roles for both sexes: the girl must INSPIRE; the man must LEAD. Each one needs
the other, and both need the Lord Jesus. This is God’s pattern. When we do what
we were designed to do, we will find maximum happiness in our friendships with
each other, in our courtship, and in marriage (as the original author thought
it should be).

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