“There is only one
lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy.
But who are you to judge
your neighbour?” (James 4:12, ESV)
One of the most common
negative habits that I dislike – in me and others as well – obviously, is judgmentalism. Judgmentalism is the habit of condemning people or things
because they are not the way you think they should be. Judgments are easy
to make, but they are hurtful. Have you ever shared your feelings with someone
only to be told, “You’re overreacting”
or “you bought this on yourself”? Have
you ever received a harsh and critical comment for no apparent reason? If so,
you know how painful judgmentalism can be.
When you find yourself
about to make a judgmental comment, stop and examine what is going on inside
you. Are you jumping to negative conclusions without all the facts? Are you
spending more time finding fault than looking for the good? Are you judging
others to make yourself feel (falsely) superior? People who find fault with
others usually find fault with themselves too. It’s painful to be judged. Try not
to do it to others or yourself. Instead, strive
to accept the world and other people as they are without comparing them to an
unfair ideal. If you want to judge, judge yourself first by God’s Word, His
standard, then examine yourself all the more, stop and examine yourself again and again, and then – you may judge others. Don’t
get into the habit of judgmentalism.

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