Learning to lead people to faith in Christ is not
merely a matter of mastering methods and techniques. There is no such thing as “15 Ways to Bring People to Christ” or “5 Steps to Evangelism.” That can be a mere intellectual exercise
with no personal involvement. Effective evangelism must be motivated by love
and devotion to Christ as Jesus himself “came to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke
19:10). I know sincere Christians who are saturated with theology and methodology
of evangelism in their heads but in person, they are lack of practice. Head knowledge
is not enough, faith must be accompanied by actions (James 2:26).
But then again, knowledge of how-to and why-do evangelism is very much important for us as Christians because even if the faith and truth will never change, our cultures are changing
very fast. Therefore, for us to be effective,
stay relevant today, and learn from people of the past we need to be informed.
We need to read books on missions and evangelism. We must pray, read the Word, and study books to equip ourselves. Charles G. Finney once writes, “It is the great business of every Christian
to save souls. People complain that they do not know how to take hold of this
matter. Why, the reason is plain enough; they have never studied it. They have
never taken the proper pains to qualify themselves for the work. If you do not
make it a matter of study, how you may successfully act in building up the
kingdom of Christ, you are acting a very wicked and absurd part as a Christian.”
Books on missions and evangelism
matter. Both old and new books. Here are my top 20 book lists I recommend you
to read [If you want to borrow one of the books listed below, you can comment
or e-mail or inbox my Facebook account.
If you’re near, I’ll pass it to you].
1) Effective Evangelism by J. Oswald Sanders
2) What of Those Who Have
Never Heard? by J. Oswald Sanders
3) The Challenge of Missions by Oswald J. Smith
4) The Passion for Souls by Osward J. Smith
5) The Salvation of God by Oswald J. Smith
6) Literature Evangelism by George Verwer
7) Reinventing Evangelism: New
Strategies for Presenting Christ in Today’s World by Donald C. Posterski
8) Christian Mission in the
Modern World by John Stott
9) Revolution in World
Missions by K.P. Yohannan
10) Vision & Continuity in
Our Time by Fellowship of Evangelical
Students (FES) Singapore
11) Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort
12) How Can I Lead a Friend To
Christ by Michael Green
13) What on Earth are You
Doing? by Michael Griffiths
14) His Guide to Evangelism by Paul E. and others
15) Conspiracy of Kindness: A
Unique Approach to Sharing the Love of Jesus by Steve Sjogren
16) Longhouses Open Doors:
God's Glory in Borneo by Ray Cunningham
17) Out of the Saltshaker &
into the World: Evangelism as a Way of Life by Rebecca Manley Pippert
18) Desiring God: Meditations
of a Christian Hedonist (Especially chapter 9 on missions) by John Piper
19) The Soul Winner by Charles H. Spurgeon
20) Learning Evangelism from
Jesus by Jerram Barrs
Well, after reading you must GO!

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