“In the beginning the Word already existed.
Word was with God,
the Word was God” (John 1:1, NLT)
The Jehovah’s Witnesses
say that Jesus was not the creator God, but rather Michael, the created archangel
who became a man. Speaking of Jesus, however, John 1:1 teaches that in the
beginning (a reference to Genesis 1:1 when all created things were created),
the Word was already in continuing existence. He was in face-to-face, personal
relation with God when space-time, mass-energy, and the laws of nature were
created. John 1:3 then tells us that the Word created all things. Paul says the
same thing in Colossians 1:16-17. Throughout the Bible, it is clear that God is
the one who creates. Passages like Isaiah 44:24 and Job 9:8 are very specific
that it is only God who creates. So if
the Word creates, as John says, he has to be God. He can’t be anything less
without violating foundational teachings of Scripture.
In the final phrase of
John 1:1, it says “the Word was God.” Now, a predicate nominative
(noun + “linking verb” + noun) mean the two nouns share characteristics. For example,
when someone says, “The guy is a stud,” it means he has studly characteristics.
Likewise, when the Scripture says “the Word was God,” it
means that the Word shares the same characteristics
of God himself. Jehovah’s Witnesses wrongly translate the phrase as “the
Word was god.” But if this were correct, the Word would be one of several gods,
something no Jew would ever say. Further, the Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves do
not believe that either. Simply, Jesus
Christ the Word is God the Creator, not created angel.*
from: Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to
Timely Questions by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears (Crossway Books:
Wheaton, Illinois, 2007), Page28-29.

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