“There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men.” (Billy Graham)
“Money is like sea water. The more you drink, the thirstier you get.” (Roman proverb)
You can’t win. If you run after money, you’re materialistic. If you don’t get it, you’re loser. If you get it and keep it, you’re miser. If you don’t try to get it, you lack ambition. If you get it and spend it, you’re a spendthrift. If you still have it after a lifetime of work, you’re fool who never got any fun out of life*.
You can’t win. Even right now problems that related to money will always win your everyday’s life. You look at that pile of bills, loan letters and that empty refrigerator. You stare at KFC’s menu lists, your car’s fuel meter and calendar. They may seem difference in functions but they have the same requirement – money! Personally, I believe that having all the money you need won’t solve your problems (at least not in a long-term) nor to have no money can reduce your struggle with it. You just can’t win, and the good news is that you don’t have to lose either. All you have to do is to keep it in the right perspective.
As I sit and ponder on the subject of “money” in a small living room of my mother’s house (not mine), I figured that these 7 points may be helpful for us to remember:
Money can buy:
a bed, but not sleep,
books, but not brains,
food, but not appetite,
finery, but not beauty,
a house, but not a home,
medicine, but not health,
luxuries, but not culture,
amusement, but not happiness,
companions, but not friends,
flattery, but not respect. (Unknown)
2) Money as a means to bring blessing to other people
One of the marks of true faith and of committed discipleship is how generous we use our money to help those in need. Question; did you think your money as a means to bring blessing to other people, or simple as a means of making yourself more prosperous, comfortable, and secure here in this world?
3) Money is not our Master
P.T. Barnum writes, “Money is in some respects like fire; it is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master.” Some of us are a slave of money rather than a slave for God. Instead of God rules our life, we choose to let money rules our life. No wonder greedy and corruptions are one of our major problems in this country. By the way, who’s your Master?
4) Money is not evil
Money is not evil, it is neutral! The LOVE of money is evil, it is fatal! “Love of money is a root of all kind of evils.” (1Timothy 6:10) I often heard people try to soften or explain away the words of Paul in a sentimental way. But Paul as well as those of Jesus tells us that it is impossible to love God and money. Don’t hate money if you have none and don’t love money if you have one.
5) Money is to be used wisely
How do you used your money is as important as how you earns you money. You can know all you need to know about someone’s standards, motives, driving desires, and religion by how they used their money. No matter if you have much or little money – used it wisely!
6) Money belongs to God
Someone asked me, “Is that your car?” “Nope, not mine” I said. “But I saw you drive it every day”. “Oh, actually it belong to the bank, I just borrow (loan) it” The truth is all things belongs to God! All our possessions and savings are not our own, but God’s. Not even my person, or my own life, belongs to me; rather, I belong to God.
7) Use money to lay up Treasures in Heaven
I believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior. I believe that Heaven is real. And I believe that whenever I use ‘my’ money to further His Kingdom as my respond to His abundance Grace and sacrificial Love, Jesus increases my treasures in Heaven. With boldness and careful words, I have to share this: we all someday will give an account to God, and that the choices we make today even regarding how we use money have eternal consequences. If you never thought about it before, maybe it’s time for you to lay up treasures in the most secure place; Heaven. (P.s: Have you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? After all, He’s the owner of ALL Treasures.)
THINK BIG Money belongs to God, therefore, used it wisely
START SMALL Bless others with your money and don’t let it be your Master
GO DEEP Love God not money
*Quote from Bits & Pieces, ©1996 The Economics Press, Inc.

Abba, "Money, Money, Money!" :) Thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat one Chard, "You just can’t win, and the good news is that you don’t have to lose either. All you have to do is to keep it in the right perspective." Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNicely done bro. Thanks