“If what they are saying about you is true, mend your ways.
If it isn’t true, forget it, and go on and serve the Lord.”
(H.A. Ironside)
Sometimes a constructive criticism is necessary, but most of the time it is better to left it unsaid than to let it out and make things worse. Here is my suggestion: be a selective hearer. Whenever you hear someone say words that smell like a bad-rotten criticism shut your ears (I’m just using figurative words here but it can also be literally applied).
“Twice I did good, and heard it never;
Once I did evil, and heard it ever.”
But when you hear a constructive-right-motive criticism, take note and take your time to examine it. It could be a sign that God may want to confront you of your sins, faults and wrong doing – it is good for your soul.
“God uses critics in our lives to help us see our pride,
To teach us true humility, to change us from inside.”
I once read a short biography of Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators. He had a good method for handling all criticisms directed at him. No matter how unfair the criticism might seem to be, he would always take it into his prayer closet and in effect spread it before Lord. Then he would say, “Lord, please show me the kernel of truth hidden in this criticism.”
Brothers and sisters;
THINK BIG Criticism is a spice of Life – expect it!
START SMALL Be a selective hearer.
GO DEEP “If people speak ill of you, live so that no one will believe them” (Plato)

hi good blogger... sory to kcu u...but just now i read "ecclesiastes chapter 7: 1-29"...
ReplyDeletebut i dont understand...wht does it relate to wisdom? why does it stated that sorrow is better than laughing? isnt it laughter somtg good?... i'm sorry ask u this many Q...just curious ya know..(p/s: if u can answer it here, it wud b nce) -- Coco
1) Coco don't call me good, only 'God is Good' :)
ReplyDelete2) Chapter 7 of Ecclesiastes is a rich text and I won't go into verses one by one - here are my suggestion: Read as many different translations as you can. It is good and helpful practice. :)
3) "Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart." (NIV) In short, sorrow here refers to a genuine,pure, unpretentious, non-hypocrisy sorrow. Sorrow that saw SIN as it is - deathly 'in the house of mourning'.
This is better than a fake, plastic, foolish laughter that only think about the fleshly desire of the worldly in the house of pleasure'.
Here as I understand it; the wise is called wise when they see think in a big-picture, in the light of God's Word - hate sins, hate hypocrisy. The wise have a genuine heart toward their faith and because of this, 'sad face is good for the heart'.
Coco, the verse said, "Sorrow is better than laughter"... it doesn't mean we shall not laugh at all. Laugh is good, but genuine 'sorrow' is much better.