“Living together without the commitment of marriage is setting for far less than God wants for your life." (Rich Wilkerson)
Mary’s face (not her real name) projected a ‘something is wrong’ expression. She holds tight to her 10 inches textbook as she walked her way toward me. It was during my campus day. I was sitting, cursing the hot weather. Ice-cream was on my right hand and the book opened but never read was on my left. She checked either her boyfriend was around – she sensed no aura of his presence, so she started to talk.
“Richard, I want to tell you something.”
As I enjoyed that yellow ice-cream silently, I nodded my head.
“I and my boyfriend are staying together since last semester. There are 3 rooms in our renting apartment. We are staying in one room. You know that we’re not married, right?”
Again, I nodded my head.
Her eyes signal “please-hear-me-but-don’t-lecture-me” so I keep silent. She continued,
“We are committed to each other, we’re in love with one another, we will get married soon, I guess. But I don’t feel right about living together~”
And then she stopped talking. She walked away. Within 5 seconds she disappeared. I was hot from the outside (due to the heat of the day), cold on the inside (due to ice-cream), and left alone; clueless.
At this writing, as I remember the scene, I wonder what would my answer be if she added some questions at the end of her short heart-pouring session such as; what is wrong with living together? Is God upset with what we are doing? Living together has become more and more common in our society today. In the past, such a case is considered rare in the Malaysian setting but nowadays it is common and wherever we go, if we really open our eyes (and ears) we can see that the case is growing fast and wide; even among Christians. It broke my heart…
What is wrong with living together?

Mary said, “We are committed to each other…”
Christ’s love is agape love. It is unselfish, unconditional, and pure. His love, my friends, reaches to us in complete commitment. Rich Wilkerson writes, “Living together without the commitment of marriage is setting for far less than God wants for your life.” My ex-colleague, Mark Leong once declared, “I will marry my girlfriend”. Now that is commitment! Living together as a trial, to know if the relationship will work out or for the purpose of experimenting is deathly wrong. When things go wrong, a relationship without commitment can simply split up. And since there are no strings attached, no responsibilities can be assumed with both parties. And normally, girls, you always be the one who bears the most consequences.
Mary also said, “We’re in love with one another...”
Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, “It is God’s will that you should be holy; that you should avoid sexual immorality.” It is almost impossible for a man and woman who are in 'love' with one another and living together in one room can ever avoid sexual immorality. The Word of God (in case some of you might not aware) has made it clear that sex outside the commitment of marriage is fornication, which can be plainly explained and simply translated as – SIN.
Again, Scripture outlined God’s command (not a suggestion) in 2 Corinthians 7:1, “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” His command is always for our own good. He commands because He loves you so much that He wants only the best for your life. Living together without marriage can bring you pain and a broken heart. Moreover, living together is most probably leading to sin, and it breaks the heart of God.
Mary said, “We will get married soon, I guess.”
I assumed that every couple who are living together has every intention of getting married. But the intention is not enough. The question I never get to ask Mary is this; “Why haven’t you?” Rich Wilkerson wisely advises, “If this is the man (or woman) God has provided to be your marriage partner for the rest of your life, why wait? If, however, you are living together because you are unsure about him (or her) …perhaps you had better do some serious praying and seek God’s will in this matter.”
“But I don’t feel right about living together.”
Living together with your boyfriend or girlfriend is always not right. Don’t trust too much of your feeling, trust God more when He said, “avoid sexual immorality”. Stop it! Make a decision to respect yourself and God’s Word through repentance. Purify yourself from fornication. Living together is a sin. And God hates sin! John the Baptist screamed in the wilderness, “Repent!” Jesus Christ started His ministry by saying, “Repent!” Living together is a sin. Period.
Last words: If your boyfriend (or girlfriend) is unwilling to go God’s way, break off the relationship. You! You make a u-turn to God. Repent and He’ll receive you. The Lord loves you and wants the very best for you. And Mary, Jesus only wants the best for you. Come home.

Richard I have a question :)
ReplyDeleteWhat about those couple that have gotten married but have not do their wedding dinner? Because its getting popular too now a days.. married but just on paper and no ceremony yet...
but for me it is not right because they lived together but people does not know they had gotten married only close family and friends knows. so this can lead to misconception..
Hi Dora as much as I want to answer your question.. I think that I should not and moreover I'm still not qualified to do so, simply because I'm not married yet :)
ReplyDeleteReaders, help me to answer this ya. :)
haha :) its ok Richard.. I am also not married yet :) but I've been thinking about this issues for sometime to come up with my opinion, but I am not sure I am in the right track or not ^^
ReplyDeletedinner isnt necessities for one marriAGE TO stand up strong...but if u got all the budget y not doin it..but it isnt wrong if u didnt do it as well.... saying the truth..i dont really lke the trend i see among msia nowadys..they got married, hve this vry big dinner at hotel n restaurn laaa..go to the most beautful churc, hv child..but after few years..they got divorce.. y cant they think properly bout getting married... marriage is not a joke..it is part of our life..its another phase when we r all ready to be someone's wife/husband, to be a mother n later bcme nenek..marriage is responsibility...we must tke gud cre of it.. i sometme ksian with this kid who grown up in a broken family... they often suffering from lots of problems..y dont we all pray for all these kids, for all the broken families...for all the couple out there...for all newly weds..
ReplyDeleteyes! one of my friend she is married and have a small happy family, what make me sad and mad at first is that her father remarried >.< I feel so discourage about marriage.. hmm.. lets pray for all of them..
ReplyDeleteyep...absolutely miss dora..hey richard, ive spoken to ur mom few years back when we hv ts somtg goin on at ur house n she told me a lot bout u when u were a child, teenage n till u go uitm..n wht really impressed me is that ur mom is an outstanding woman for raising u to be who u r..thanx GOD for gving me a chance to talked to u myb not fce to fce..but ur words encourage me a lot..keep on doin wht u r doin! n tke cre o ur cute mama!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Anonymous for your respond.
ReplyDeleteP.s: This is scary~
ReplyDeletei have sex with malay guy and i felt so seriously regret this
but sometimes life can be very difficult when u seek for something but you couldnt see it. felt like there is not lite.felt like u're alone,empty,lonely.i havent go to church for almost 3 years.but what really make even disgusting is when my friends have problems,they will seek me and i eventually givin advce to them using God's word.
i'm not baptized yet,i'm not a church go-er nor that i live my life according to wht God wants us to.people says i'm a happy go lucky person but deep inside i cry...its hurt so much..that day u said "sorrow on the face better than a fake laughter"... when i think of it i think i dont deserve to be here. i'm a freak,i got no one to talk to..to tell when i'm not in mud..or some1 to console me..i know u wud suggest me to read the bible and pray to God but richard..i hate God for giving me this life. i.m sorry i say this at ur blog bt ths s e only way i can let evertg out.at least the burden less. - coco
Life is hard - but God is good.
ReplyDeleteLife is unpredictable - but God is sovereign.
Life is unfair - but God is just.
Life is short - but God is eternal.
i wish life just as easy as what we all want..
ReplyDeletei wish i can see HIM n ask HIM every questions i have in my mind.
i wonder what would he answer if i ask him y he let me be here in this world?
he could have taken my life for i had tried to killed myself many times since i was a teenage girl
but HE didn't let me die
instead i still live till now
but i don't know why do i have to live?
for that reason i Hate HIM.
Isn't it wasting HIS time and my time for letting me live
Richard...i'm sorry i waste ur time here.
Emmm.. fair questions... Once a handicap lady, divorce by her husband, isolated by her children... and owner of only a bed sheet and a pillow ask me the same question. Fair question.
ReplyDeleteThe last time I met her was at St. Margaretha.. praising God. Maybe you should meet her.
People always follow their own will n if they're fall, they'll blame Jesus. Y giving him/her such difficult life..Y this happen to her/him..
ReplyDeleteSo, think before we act, repent before it's too late. ^^v Be blessed evryone.
p/s: Richard, thanks for sharing :)
thanks for sharing it really2 encouraging me as a personally...thanks Richard...by the way guys...all is about choice..if we choose the right way...so mean we are in the right track...when we choose the wrong way...of course we accident right..opss!..hihi...so renung2kan lah...God Love every of us...^^
ReplyDeletehi.. i'm on marry's situation too, but the reason is not that im not sure about our ralationship, because i prayed for that man,,, the reason is financial problem... and our mistake is we hurry things.. what should i do? im confused, i feel a lot of guilt and condemnation even i ask forgiveness... all i'm praying for is that we can get married soon....
ReplyDelete"I prayed for that man.."
ReplyDeleteNot that is an issue nowadays. Normally when we pray we ask from God (now that's obvious) but we sometime not necessary like/agree about what or whom God introduce in our life. So what we do? We assume that someone that we meet at the first place as God-Given. Sometime he/she is but sometime it's really... our own choice. So, may I advice that you make a WISE CHOICE of whom you gonna 'SPENT YOUR LIFE WITH' and ask God instead to lead you in making decision.
God won't force... meaning He'll guide you, but you make your choice. With this mindset you won't blame God for the man than you gonna end up with. Ask God for Wisdom. But you see, God often 'late' but always 'On Time'... Be sure of this man... really...
"the reason is financial problem... and our mistake is we hurry things.. what should i do?"
Here my short advice: SLOW DOWN Married is not a race. Married is not a competition. It's a commitment!
"I'm confused, i feel a lot of guilt and condemnation even i ask forgiveness..."
Do you mean that both of you still living together? If what I predict is right... then 'guilt and condemnation' might be signs that this must not go on. Ask for forgiveness you see need actions. I can't continue to ask for forgiveness from my brother if after that I still hurt him. Forgiveness work only when you acknowledge that God is a Gracious One and because of that you'll try you best not to offend His Graciousness by repeating it.
1 John 1:9 assures us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
Hmmm.. Anonymous, to follow Christ is not without hard times, trials and persecution. Once you had committed to follow Him, there are something that we should give in... perhaps you might want to re-examine your relationship with him one again...
If you love him, you'll lead him to God's Way If he love you, he should respect you decision. Above all - peace, joy and freedom are yours once you place God as the priority in your life.
we just cant move on because we're not married yet... and continue to serving God..
ReplyDeletei know i can't serve God in my situation...
i'm ashamed of what i did.... because i use to lead praise and worship before.. i miss serving God just like what i'm doing before...
now its just like there is a huge wall between me and God or a barrier ...
anyway thank you richard....
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeletePerhaps my reply was not in-tune with the melody of your heart. But I see the bright-side of your confession (of guilt and condemnation) and my respond (filled with foolish words:
You have 'see'- work it out from here. Don't harden your heart... obey His Words...
and I have 'know'- this is thus far I can help you, you might want to get help from others who are more experience example, your pastor or your trusted leaders in the Church.