Went I was a kid, I forget for a brief years the word ‘ fear’ in the dictionary of my childhood’s life, well, except, I’m fear of one thing… one spot… one area… toilet! Yes, that dark gloomy toilet stands still near the jungle of our old house – creepy. It was creepier once the evening came. No light, just a candle stand. No radio (of course) but only the sound of jungle’s residences. I always imagine that there was a monster, rather; a giant hand might come out from the toilet bowl anytime I would enter the toilet’s chamber. That ancient toilet was where my fears occupied. I never forget how I’m paralyzed by the fear of entering that ancient toilet.
Does fear haunted you lately? Does fear creeping you out, left you in the darkness, making strange sounds, monstering around and waving his giant hand at the entrance of your life like that old ancient toilet does to me? I know you have one like mine; in fact, I suspect that you ‘owned’ it.
“Fear,” explained pastor and writer, Max Lucado, “never wrote a symphony or poem, negotiated a peace treaty, or cured a disease. Fear never pulled a family out of poverty or a country out of bigotry. Fear never saved a marriage or a business. Courage did that. Faith did that. People who refused to consult or cower to their timidities did that. But fear itself? Fear herds us into a prison and slams the doors.”
Do you want to walk out of it?
Do you want to walk out of it?
He continues, “Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision the day when you can trust more and fear less.”
Prior to my fear for that ancient toilet, with a stolen Bible (from my aunt’s room) on my young tender hand, when my English is limited to only ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘thank you’ and ‘okay’; my heart stir to write and memorize this part of the Scripture, “Don’t be afraid” (Isaiah 41:10) and I did! I walk out facing my fear with the knowledge that I should trust God more than any external voices in the world. Trust more and fear less.
Maybe you should write and memorize this too: “Don’t be Afraid” Trust more and fear less. (P.s: Jesus said that!)
For month September free books, I would like to give you a copy of Max Lucado book entitle, Fearless. There are only 3 books available for you to request. No fear, just request! May this book help you to overcome your fear... Trust God more and fear less.
Do you want to have a copy of this book? Do these 2 things:
1) Comment below “Bro, I want to have one copy_(Your name)_ because I'm tired of fearful living. I want to trust more and fear less.”
2) E-mail me at Motivates4life@hotmail.com or send message to my Facebook your real name, phone no. and your postal address.

ReplyDeleteBro, I want to have one copy, Mickey Mouse, because I'm tired of fearful living. I want to trust more and fear less.
Bro, no takers yet?
ReplyDeleteBro, I want to have one copy, kajan because I'm tired of fearful living. I want to trust more and fear less.
ReplyDeleteBro, I want to have one copy, Catherine , because I'm tired of fearful living. I want to trust more and fear less.
ReplyDelete1) Kajan (You got it man! Thanks for message me your details)
2) Catherine (Give me your details ya)
Last one, anyone?
Bro,I want to have one copy, Daniel, because I'm tired of fearful living. I want to trust more and fear less and help the people around me to do the same...thank you!!! =)
ReplyDelete3) Daniel
ReplyDeleteIt is finish! :) Enjoy reading ya.
no more?? :(