“It is a pleasant thought that when you help a fellow up a steep hill, you get nearer to the top yourself.” (Reynolds Price)“When you have the ability to help someone win, you will be that person’s friend for life.” (Les Parrot)
I believe that God wants us to help others win in life, to be people who reach back, invest and help others become the best person they can be. To be someone who show the ways or open doors for others to grow and reaching their full potential. It’s a responsibility (also an opportunity) for us to help others win because based on my own experiences and by testimonies from a bunch helpful friends; the one who help others, in reverse, will harvest most reward along the process.
One of my favorites Bible-character is Barnabas. Barnabas was one of the first encourager and motivator for Paul during his initial period of conversion. Barnabas was God mighty instrument in helping Paul win at life. Barnabas stood up for Paul when Jesus first disciples apprehensive about Paul join them in ministry. Paul was accepted and he went on to write half of the New Testament. Today, my readers, you can be a Barnabas in someone’s life.
Do you have a passion to help others win? If you’re secure with yourself, you answer probably a resounding ‘yes’. I hear you!
John C. Maxwell (and Les Parrot) in a book, 25 Ways to Win with People, suggests 4 steps you can take to help people win (I summaries the point briefly):
1) Believe in People
If you don’t believe in people, then you are unlikely to do everything you can to help them win. “Those who believe in our ability do more than stimulate us, they create for us an atmosphere in which it becomes easier to succeed.” (John Spalding)
2) Give people Hope
Hope is one of the most powerful and energizing words in the English language. It’s been said that a person can live forty days without food, four days without water, four minutes without air, but only four seconds without hope. If you want to help people win, then become a purveyor of hope.
3) Focus on the Process, not just the Win
When you help somebody win, don’t just hand it to him, even if it’s in your power to do so. Help him win. If you assist him in the process, then you’re not just giving him the victory; you’re giving him the means for additional future victories.
4) Understand that when you help others Win, you also Win
You can’t help winning when you help others win.
THINK BIG Life is not a competition; it’s a mutual beneficial.
START SMALL Simply look around for open doors of opportunity.
GO DEEP Make helping others win a habit for life!
START SMALL Simply look around for open doors of opportunity.
GO DEEP Make helping others win a habit for life!

Thank you Rich... Rich! Help others win! I l like it!