“If you treat a person as he is, he will stay as he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be, he will become that bigger and better person.” (Johann von Goethe)
Some people possess an unseen but sense-able quality that draws others to them like magnet. They may not have the look but they have the ‘thing’ that draws people to them. They’re more than just likable, they are irresistible. They can easily get along with others… and sometime you may wonder; Are they ‘gifted’, ‘lucky’, ‘blessed’ with personality traits that spell success without effort? Read these words as a loud shout: “Not for a single second!!!”
One of the natures of my work is meeting people; lots of people. Therefore, I have to learn and practice my skill in human relations. Sharpen it, fuel it and cultivate it. It doesn’t come naturally for me at first, but over time as I learn to love others and invest in relationship; it comes to me ‘automatically’. It’s doesn’t mean that everyone will like you or everyone will respond positively toward you but it is safe to say that; You must try your best to get along better with people around you.
Below are some of my practices that can be helpful for you to apply in your daily walk in relationship with others. Take these 10 points as suggestions only;
2) Make promises sparingly. Keep them faithfully.
3) Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind word.
4) Be interested in others, their pursuits, work, families.
5) Be cheerful. Don’t dwell on minor aches and disappointments.
6) Keep an open mind. Discuss but don’t argue. Disagree without being disagreeable.
7) Discourage gossip. It’s destructive.
8) Be careful of others’ feelings.
9) Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Live so that nobody will believe them.
10) Don’t be anxious about getting credit. Just do your best and be patient.

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