His Majesty. The emperor
of Judah. The soaring eagle of eternity. The noble admiral of the Kingdom. All
the splendour of heaven revealed in a human body. For a period ever so brief,
the doors to the throne room were open and God came near. His Majesty was seen.
Heaven touched the earth and, as a result, earth can know heaven. In astounding
tandem a human body housed divinity. Holiness and earthliness intertwined.
This is no run-of-the-mill
messiah. His story was extraordinary. He called Himself divine, yet allowed a
minimum-wage Roman soldier to drive a nail into His wrist. He demanded purity,
yet stood for the rights of a repentant whore. He called men to march, yet
refused to allow them to call him King. He sent men into all the world, yet
equipped them with only bended knees and memories of a resurrected carpenter…
Let’s follow His
sandalprints. Let’s sit on the cold, hard floor of the cave in which He was
born. Let’s smell the sawdust of the carpentry shop. Let’s hear His sandals
slap the hard trails of Galilee. Let’s sigh as we touch the healed sores of the
leper. Let’s smile as we see His compassion with the woman at the well. Let’s
cringe as we hear the hissing of hell’s Satan. Let’s let our voices soar with
the praises of the multitudes. Let’s try to see Him.
One warning. Something happens to a person who has
witnessed His Majesty. He became addicted. One glimpse of the King and you are
consumed by a desire to see more of Him and say more about Him. Pew-warning is
no longer an option. Junk religion will no longer suffice. Sensation-seeking is
needless. Once you have seen His face you will forever long to see it again.
[From God Came Near by Max Lucado]

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