“[Joseph] took with
him Mary, his fiancée, who was now obviously pregnant. And while they were
there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her first
child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger,
because there was no lodging available for them” (Luke 2:5-7, NLT).
Those who have lived with
or been a woman in the final stages of pregnancy will shake their heads in
wonder over Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem if they ever
studied the map (Obviously I never experienced either one, so I just use my
imaginations). Neither walking nor riding a donkey for several days could be
described as anything but uncomfortable. Apparently the Romans had no provision
in the taxation laws for filing a late return – Joseph and Mary were required
to report, extenuating circumstances notwithstanding. “All [people throughout the Roman Empire] returned to their own
ancestral towns to register for census” (Luke 2:3). A must.
Countless telling of the
Christmas story have compressed the time between the couple’s journey and Jesus’
arrival. We usually picture the weary soon-to-be-parents wandering into
Bethlehem in the evening, with Mary already feeling contractions, and the “No
Vacancy” signs posted in the inn. Actually, Jesus was born in a little town,
perhaps only large enough to have one inn. Necessity forced the couple to take
shelter in some kind of alternative housing that had a manger. Since the “manger” indicates a place where animals were housed, it
is likely that Jesus was born in a cave. This ironically means that Jesus spent both his arrival night (his
birth) and his departure night (his
burial and resurrection) in a cave.
Regardless the exact
location, Jesus’ birth went largely
unnoticed by the world. The scant details point to the simplicity and
commonness of his birth. God, taking on flesh, entered life in the same messy,
painful, and wonder-filled way that every human does. The King of kings didn’t
get royal treatment at birth. Right from the start, only a few really
understood and welcomed the Saviour.
Think about this:
Familiarity with the story sometimes causes us to relive the events of Jesus’
birth with mild indifference. But what would be our fate if the Saviour had
never been born? The wonder doesn’t come from trying to imagine all the ways
God might have arranged to rescue us; the wonder comes in realizing that this
was, in fact, the way God fulfilled his promises. I am amazed by God and how Jesus
the Saviour of the world coming to us.
One response is necessary: Worship!
Life Application Study Bible Devotional: Daily Wisdom
from the Life of Jesus (Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., 2011)

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