Richard Angelus: What is the Church? The word ‘Church’ is from the Greek word ‘Ekklesia,’ which means “an assembly” or “a gathering” or “a fellowship.” It is derived from the verb ‘ekkaleo,’ which ‘ek’ mean ‘out’ and ‘kaleo’ mean ‘to call,’ which together means ‘to call out.’ Therefore, the church is theologically, logically, is not a building or a location; it referred to the people who are called out by Jesus as they assembled together. Technically, it’s impossible to “go to Church” – we are the Church. So, when we think, thank and worship God during Easter day, remember the reason why Lord Jesus died on the cross and why the Church exist: We – the Church – exist to tell the world the Good News about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and how He has made a way for people to be reconciled by God and to represents Jesus by caring for those in need, the marginalized and oppressed, just like Jesus would. Celebrating Easter Day should remind us of this mission.
Dan Kimball:
(from Adventures in Churchland) When
we look at what Jesus said to his twelve disciples when he first called them
and what he said to them years later the last day he was on earth, it’s
interesting that both times he emphasized their unique mission. When he called
his disciples, he said, “Come, follow me… and I will send you out to fish for people”
Jesus was speaking to vocational fishermen, so he used the fishing metaphor to
communicate a new purpose for their lives. Unlike the fishing they were used to
doing, this new type of fishing involved being sent out into the world to find other people and share with them they
joy, life, and peace that come from knowing Jesus. They would now be
fishing for people.
Notice that Jesus doesn’t
say to them, “Come, follow me, and I will
send you into buildings to retreat from the world, protect yourself from evil,
and create your own Christian subculture.” Jesus didn’t say, “Come, follow me, and I will send you once a
week into a church building where paid religious professionals lead you in
singing some songs, preach a sermon to you, and then send you home to go about
your own business for the rest of the week.” Jesus didn’t say, “Come, follow me, and I will turn you into a
judgmental, inwardly focused people.” He called his followers to lovingly
share his message and represent him to the world. From the very beginning, when
Jesus called people to follow him, he called them to focus on others. Jesus told his disciples that following him
was not just about living for themselves; it was about serving others.
Not only were Jesus’ first
recorded words about mission, but we also find that his last recorded words
were about mission as well. According to the gospel of Matthew, after Jesus
resurrected and prior to his ascension to heaven, his last words to his
disciples were, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age.” Jesus didn’t send his followers to settle down
comfortably in Churchland; he wanted them to be outwardly focused, going out
into the world, not just to make converts or have people make quick decisions,
but to make disciples. Disciples are
those who model themselves after another person, like an apprentice does. This
means building relationships, teaching,
and committing to adjust life to the teachings of Jesus.
May the Message of Easter Day remind you of Jesus’
Mission for us to the World
Jesus is Risen, are We, the Church? Happy Blessed Day.

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