I recently finished
reading an informative, challenging and inspiring book by George Barna entitled
(2005, 2012). Here I want to quote at length from his book (page 27-28):
“One of the most important
lessons I’ve learned from studying the words of Jesus is that he loved fruit. Not
the kind you pick off trees or vines, but the kind that’s evident in the life
of a person whom he has changed. Jesus made
very clear that the proof of people’s faith is not in the information they know
or the religious gatherings they attend, but in the way they integrate what
they know and believe into their everyday practices.
The hallmarks of the
Church (not refers to building but the aggregation of believers) that Jesus
died for are clear, based on Scripture: your
profession of faith in Christ must be supported by a lifestyle that provides
irrefutable evidence of your complete devotion to Jesus. The Lord
encountered numerous people during his earthly tenure who could quote Scripture
or pretend that they knew and loved him. But his reaction to them was always
the same: “Show me the fruit.”
Revolutionaries are
Christ-followers who refuse to make excuses for their failings; instead, they
address and overcome those inadequacies. Jesus did not die on the cross to fill
church auditoriums, to enable magnificent church campuses to be funded, or to
motivate people to implement innovative programs. He died because he loves you
and me, he wants an everlasting relationship with us, and he expects that
connection to be all-consuming that we become wholly transformed – Jesus clones,
if you will indulge the expression.
Does something get in the
way of your living like Jesus? Then figure out how to eliminate that
obstruction. Does life get so complicated that it’s difficult for you to juggle
everything and remain Christlike? Then simplify your life. Are you unable to
find words that describe how you believe God has called you to know, love, and
serve Him? Then develop new ways to communicate to others how God is
ministering to you and through you.
Is society dragging you in
the opposite direction from where Jesus calls you? Then acknowledge that your
life is part of a spiritual war between God and Satan, declare your side, and
get on with it. Admit that you are better off “fighting the good fight” and suffering on earth for the cause of
Christ than winning the world but losing your soul for eternity.
God used to the fact that
your life is lived in the context of warfare. Every breath you take is an act
of war. To survive and thrive in the midst of the spiritual battle in which you
live, seek a faith context and experience that will enhance your capacity to be
Christlike. This mission demands single-minded
commitment and a disregard for the
criticisms of those who lack the same dedication to the cause of Christ. You
answer to only one Commander in Chief, and only you will give an explanation
for your choices. Do whatever you have to do to prove that you fear God, you
love Him, and you serve Him – yes, that you live only for Him.
This is the commitment of
a Revolutionary.”

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