Monday, April 13, 2015

In Jesus, We're Not Alone

[But] to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn – not with physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God
(John 1:12-13, NLT)

Father and Son (Jesus). Father and child (us). Those who believe in the Son, Jesus are “reborn” by God and become his children. How intimate is that! In Jesus, God remains holy but never distance from us. Father and child. Know this: family lineage and heritage were important to the Jews. The Jews prided themselves on being God’s chosen people through whom the whole world would be blessed. They knew, of course, that a person was Jewish by birthright. But they may have assumed that being born Jewish would also mean they automatically were God’s children. Not so fast! First, becoming a member of God’s family is open to ALL who believe in Christ. Second, being of a specific race, nationality, party, family, or religion does not guarantee a spot at God’s Kingdom. Only those who “believe” and “accept” are “reborn” into this family.

These days, many assume they have a relationship with God because they are relatively good people, attend church or places of worship, or have a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu or whatever-name-you family history. But God’s family membership comes by faith alone. Each person is responsible for his or her own relationship with Christ.

The family analogy goes much further. As members of God’s family, we have Jesus as our Brother (Romans 8:29) and all other believers as our brothers and sisters. We’re accepted. We’re affirmed. We belong. We’re not alone.

Think about this: As God’s children, we have a heavenly Father who cares about us and watches over us. We have an older Brother who is with us and who is interceding for us. We have the Holy Spirit inside us who comforts, guides, and leads us. We, too, have brothers and sisters who can encourage, teach, and assist us and hold us accountable. We’re not alone. Therefore, we should relate well to other believers. Conflicts are unavoidable but try our best to maintain relationship with others. This may seem like a hard order, but remember, we don’t pursue these relationships in our own power but God’s power. With God’s help we can be his kind of people.

In Christ, we’re God’s Children.
In Christ, we’re brothers and sisters.
In Christ, we’re not alone.

Reference: Life Application Study Bible Devotional: Daily Wisdom from the Life of Jesus (Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2011)
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