“[Jesus] saw a man named Matthew. Matthew was sitting in the tax
Jesus said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And Matthew stood up and
followed Jesus”
(Matthew 9:9,
Well, to better understand
this wonderful story we need to know something about Matthew. Matthew or Levi
was a dishonest tax collector driven by greed and materialism. He first appears
in the Scripture in his tax office or booth on the main highway where he was
collecting duties on imported good brought by farmers, merchants and caravans.
Matthew is a Jew who worked for Roman Empire. A traitor. Matthew was protected by Roman soldiers. A bully. Matthew charged extra-taxes
for his own profit. A corrupt officer.
In case you don’t feel
angry when you read the word “tax collector”
(as the Jews in Jesus’ day felt), then perhaps you can see it this way. Imagine
Matthew was a nominal believer who living in contradict with the religious laws
and rules. Imagine he worked for ISIS or Boko Haram. Imagine he was escorted by
few religious fundamentalist soldiers with guns everywhere he go. Imagine,
instead of collecting taxes as he should (say, 10%), he collects more than what
is required (16%) and make wealth for himself with extra tax charges that he
collected (6%). Okay, if you’re a Malaysian, imagine the implementation of GST
(Goods and Services Tax) last 1st April. What was your initial
feeling toward GST? Are you angry with Matthew now?
From anger, I also want
you to feel confuse. “Jesus had dinner at Matthew’s house. Many tax collectors and
‘sinners’ came and ate with Jesus and his followers” (Matthew 9:10, ICB). What was Jesus
thinking? Jesus, considered by many as honourable rabbi or teacher or leader,
came to Matthew, a sinner, the tax collector. Instead of Matthew should call
him, he first called Matthew to follow him. He entered a well-known sinner’s
house, ate with him and having food party with other traitors, bullies, corrupt
officers, sinners and his own imperfect disciples. Jesus first welcomed
Matthew. Now, Matthew welcomed others into his house so that they could meet
Jesus too. This is amazing, instead of
collecting tax money and GST, Matthew collected souls for Jesus. When
people saw this happened, they were confused. “The Pharisees saw this and
asked Jesus’ followers, ‘Why does your
teacher eat with tax collectors and ‘sinners’?” (Matthew 9:12, ICB)
“Jesus heard the Pharisees
ask this. So he said, ‘Healthy people
don’t need a doctor. Only the sick need a doctor. Go and learn what this means:
‘I want faithful love more than I want animal sacrifices.’ I did not come to
invite good people. I came to invite
sinners’” (Matthew
How can we miss this? Jesus mission to the world is to invite
sinners to Himself. We sometime missed this crucial point by organizing
activities among ourselves only – Christian concerts, Christian gatherings, Christian
prayer revivals, worship seminars, etc. – and forget about others outside our Christian
‘bubble’ who need to encounter Jesus of the Bible first-hand for their lives to
radically change like Matthew.
Matthew was a tax
collector, now he became God’s writer (Gospel according to Matthew). Matthew
was a materialist, now an evangelist (he brings others to Jesus). Matthew was a
sinner, now a saint (who continues to walk with Jesus for the rest of his life).
Jesus is amazing! I think Jesus’ interaction with Matthew should serve to
remind us that we are never too sinful
to be saved by Jesus. “Follow Me” is Jesus’ call to everyone who are
willing to take a first step of faith toward him. You, me and even the GST
collectors – are require to respond to Jesus’ call, “Follow Me.” No
force. No string attached. No conditions. Just “Follow Me.”

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