“I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:3, NLT)
Many leading psychologists and educationists have said that if you wish to become more spiritual and wise, you must ‘become as a little child again’. Regardless, either they read or believe the truth in the Bible, they are correct. Mind you, don’t confuse this with developing your childishness (child-ish-ness); rather develop your childlikeness (child-like-ness).
In God’s perspective, developing the childlikeness in you is more than a suggestion, it is a command, a must for every Christians to develop and thus, to be. Jesus said if you want to be in the Kingdom of Heaven; repent from your sins and have a simple faith in God like little children;
“I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven”
Childishness is not what Jesus called for – but childlikeness (On personal level, I think childish Christians are almost the same as immature Christians, but what make it difference is that the later ones is more hopeful than the former ones!) Based on verse given above, Jesus did not mean that we should be children again in term of age and behaviors, but be like children in term of their exemplary characteristics. What are the characteristics of a child? A wonder and awe at the mysteries and magic of the spiritual and natural world; an insatiable curiosity; a natural and spontaneous generosity; an open-mindedness; and a general enthusiasm for life.
Therefore, I urge you to develop your childlikeness. Be like a child in all of the characteristics above (and more) in the light of the faith you have in Jesus, by the Word of God and through the mind of Christ. Friends, become as a little child again!

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