Thursday, November 24, 2011

Be Thankful for the Problems on your Job

I love this quote by Charles Kingley, “Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day which must be done whether you like it or not. Being required to work, and doing so to the best of your ability, will breed in your self-control, diligence, contentment, and a hundred other virtues which the idle never know.”

Be thankful for the problems on your job [not the one that you create due to procrastination etc.] – I mean, really be thankful for the problems on your job. You see, if you didn't have them, you would not be there and if they were less difficult, someone with less ability would have your job. And one more: If you have difficulties on your job, just remember that YOU HAVE A JOB (maybe not the one you like, but still – you have a job!) and hundreds of people out there don’t have one. There are more than happy to have yours.

And if you have a job and more or less you love what you do… take the advice below to heart:
Thomas Edison sent the following recommendations to a youth assembly that required a message from him:
1.     Always be interested in whatever you undertake.
2.     Don’t mind the clock, but keep at it, and let nature indicate the necessity of rest.
3.     Failures, so called, are the fingerposts pointing out the right direction to those who are willing to learn.
4.     Hard work and a genuine interest in everything that makes for human progress will make men and acceptable to themselves and to the world.
(Quote from Tits & Bits magazine)


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