Smart people don't always make good leaders. (The Economic Times)
‘What kinds of people don’t make good leaders?’ This question is rather strange for me because I thought that you don’t have to find what’s ‘wrong’ in others but what’s ‘right’ in leaders that matter most. But overtime, I’d learned that what’s ‘wrong’ is more obvious, easy to evaluate, straight forward indicators than what’s ‘right’. For example, would you choose a good communicator in public but a lazy pig at home (or class or office) to be a leader? Definitely not!
It’s true that you should look beyond people’s potentials and continue looking for what’s ‘right’ in others – in facts, it is recommended, yet there are certain bad rotten traits in leadership that we need to look at in candidates/people before we ever choose them to be leaders or to continue their service in leadership positions.
What kinds of people don’t make good leaders? A study by team of psychologies at the University of California found them to be:
(From Bits & Pieces, ©1996 The Economics Press, Inc., Fairfield, New York. Quotes not exceed 500 words)
Aggressive against people who do not agree with them, or who do not do as they want them to.
Apprehensive, that others are scheming against them, or the firm.
Fatalistic, in thinking that most workers aren’t to be trusted; intolerant of democratic leaders.
Inflexible, believing that there must be no deviation from the course they have set.
Impulsive, preferring action to thinking it over before acting.
Prejudiced against certain social groups, firms, religions, or nations.

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