Any book by the late R. A. Torrey is worth reading and listening to. Like Charles Spurgeon said about John Bunyan, "His blood is Bibline," meaning to say read anything of his, and you will see that it is almost like reading the Bible itself. In this book, Mr. Torrey desires to portray the real Christ, the Christ of actual fact, in all of His many characteristics and complete love, holiness, zeal, and glory. That portrait is from God’s own Word, the Bible. My favorite chapter is Chapter 8: His Manliness. Here are some quotes that I would like to highlight:
"While Christ was more gentle than the gentlest mother, He was at the same time the strongest and most vigorous of all the sons of men."
"To be a true follower of Jesus, one must be a fearless fighter as well as a gentle comforter."
"Remember, meekness is not weakness, and humility is not servility."
"The manliness of our Lord Jesus was manifested in His unhesitating acceptance of torture and agony in order to save others from suffering and ruin, rather than yielding one iota of the truth. Our Lord Jesus could have escaped the cross if He had been willing to compromise with the religious rulers of the day who oppressed the masses. Yes, He could have escaped easily, but He would not. He pursued the path of absolute allegiance to God and His truth though the cross loomed black and threatening in the path. He did not deviate one step in order to avoid the cross."
Chapters on His Holiness and His Prayerfulness are also very good - and challenging. As I said earlier, any book by R. A. Torrey is worth reading and listening to. You can read the PDF updated version online and listen to the audiobook on YouTube by Aneko Press HERE:
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