Finished reading this book last week but I don't think I can write a proper review due to lots of work this month. Here is a brief one: This is an abridged, less technical version of Erickson's classic Christian Theology. When I was a new staff, this is one of the books that we use for theological training. Back then I read it just for reference but this year (that's after so many years!) I decided to read it from cover to cover. It was life-giving! Perhaps due to an increase in understanding or Christian experience or growth in the knowledge of the Scripture or all of it and more factors, although it is still somewhat academic and formal, I find that this book is enjoyable to read.
Why you should study doctrine and theology? Here are the first two (2) reasons that the late Erickson points out: 1) "Theology is important because correct doctrinal beliefs are essential to the relationship between the believer and God" and, 2) "Theology is necessary because truth and experience are related. While some would deny or at least question this connection, in the long run, the truth will affect our experience. A person who falls from the tenth story of a building may shout while passing each window on the way down, 'I’m still doing fine,' and may mean it sincerely, but eventually, the facts of the matter will catch up with the person’s experience."
I have other things to say on this subject, and perhaps recommend other theological books for beginners... But time and space won't permit it. Until then!
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