I like to think of A.W. Tozer (many have called him a modern-day prophet) as a very bold and manly writer. We need more men of God like him. I'm not comfortable calling a living person a "man of God" anymore because the last time I said that to the late Ravi Zacharias, I was frustrated and ashamed of myself after the exposè. Of course, it's not wrong (if due respect) to call someone a man or woman of God, it is safer for the soul and faith, in my opinion, to reserve that title or honor to the long-gone, time-proven, faithful Christ followers such as A.W. Tozer. Although he passed away in 1963, his influence - writings and Christian living - is critical today. My first encounter with Tozer was through his classic book, The Knowledge of the Holy and also a biography by James L. Snyder entitled A.W. Tozer: In Pursuit of God. I have some issues with Tozer's mysticism but his love for God and His Word surpassed my judgment and is remained central in his life and writings.
Lead Like Christ edited by James Synder for modern readers is a compilation of Tozer's sermons on the Epistle of Paul to Titus which particularly focus on spiritual leadership. If you're looking for a management-side or practical method of leadership, this book is not for you. For that, as I see the importance of knowing how to lead, I would recommend other books. But if you, as Tozer puts it, have "an incurable hunger and thirst for the deep things of God" you will be blessed by this book. His insights on the Scripture, particularly the Letter to Titus, are admirable. His thoughts on the impact of spiritual warfare, the urgent need for sound doctrine, the call of servanthood, the three words he uses to describe Titus (integrity, discretion, and enthusiasm), and more are skillfully articulate to connect to the topic of spiritual leadership. He gives examples of Paul, other apostles and prophets, his contemporaries, and chiefly the Master, our Lord Jesus Christ.
There were times when I have to pause and reflect on what he said and consider my own walk with God and the people I try to lead. As Paul said to another of his mentee, Timothy, "Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching" (1 Timothy 4:16), that is, teach "accords with sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1). We need more leaders today. But not the worldly kind of leaders. We need Christ-centered leaders that can turn the world upside down with silent obedience and loud character that bring glory to "our great God and Savior Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13). This is a high calling, Holy Spirit, help us! Amen.
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