My main problem with Joel Osteen is that he says that he is a pastor but he didn't preach the Gospel - and thus, a false teacher. If only he quit being a pastor and become a motivational speaker full-time instead, I think I'm going to like him. Anthony Jay Robbins is a motivational speaker and although he at times called himself a Christian (most probably a cultural Christian or pluralistic one and definitely New Age), he never claims to teach Christian motivational talks. With a little effort, Google his name, and you can find many controversial issues surrounding the man, his personal life, methods, and teachings. But I love Tony Robbins. Why?
About a decade ago, I read his book Awaken the Giant Within (1991), and in the chapter about goals, there are exercises that you need to write your goal for each critical area such as relationships, finance, and contribution. On personal development goals, I wrote about reading one book per month and especially the Bible in one year. These commitments (or "massive actions"), especially on the latter goal are what God uses to continue to inspire me to read my Bible consistently. The goal becomes a habit. Habit becomes a lifestyle. Tony Robbins famously said, "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." This audiobook is a good reminder for me and it solidified some of the best lessons that I learned from him. The 6 hours 20+ minutes of listening while walking is what I call The Hour of Power.
Read and listen to Tony Robbins with caution, applied critical thinking, and filtered everything through a Biblical worldview (As children of God, the Holy Spirit is the power within us!). If you can do that - by grace, prayer, and humility - you can get the best from any informed books that you read or audiobook that you listen to. You can read books by atheists like Richard Dawkins and be amazed by biology; you can read books by agnostics like Carl Sagan and wonder like a child at the cosmos, and you can read books by Muslims like Imam Al-Ghazali and be inspired by the practicality of philosophy and intellectual life. Beware of reading Christian books ONLY!
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